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Mattias Lagergren

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Everything posted by Mattias Lagergren

  1. Interesting idea! Do you have any thoughts on how the user would interact with the folders in client review? Would they jump into a folder and play clips only from that folder - or how would it work?
  2. I'd like to see if we can get going a discussion of a somewhat hidden, yet powerful feature of the ftrack-python-api: the possibility to setup your own caching. During our 2015 London user group meeting The Mill shared some of their experiences on this topic. Are there anyone else out there looking at caching. How are you dealing with cache invalidations, what solutions are you using for the cache - e.g. Redis or something else? Statistics on cache hit/miss and % of improvements is also interesting. Please come and share your experiences with the Community!
  3. In e.g. Nuke it is possible to import image sequences if the are published as the "Image sequence" asset type Do you have a shared storage, NAS or similar, with the artist in the other city/country? The built in tools in our integrations require you to have a shared storage somehow. Other setups are possible but may require some development or 3rd party solutions.
  4. Aha, yes - correct - and the example is broken! So what happens in the backend is that the service use will asynchronously encode the media. When that is done the new component will be added to the server location. When the example was written it was possible to set a component as thumbnail even though it did not exist in server location. That has changed and we're now verifying this. We will discuss here and see what the best approach is and then update the example. Thank you for making us aware of this!
  5. Could you send a minimal reproducible example of this code when it fails? It makes it easier for me to help and debug.
  6. Hi Andy, As of now it is not possible. However, we're about to do some major improvements to our integrations and this sounds like something that we should think about when revising the Nuke plugin!
  7. Hey, here is an example of how to encode media with our new api: http://ftrack-python-api.rtd.ftrack.com/en/stable/example/encode_media.html
  8. Thank you for sharing this Milan, looks very useful! At the moment we haven't made any decisions on how far we want to go with Connect when it comes to these things. One way could be to not including it, and rather linking to a solution like yours, and have it as an officially promoted plugin. Again, very nice to see what you've built on top of this!
  9. No problems aside from those you already handle; that it overrides all built-in event plugin hooks if you're not careful. The FTRACK_CONNECT_PLUGIN_PATH and default plugin folder is meant to be a standardised way of sharing plugins. The nesting of <root-folder>/<plugin-folder>/hook/ is there to allow separation of plugins from different vendors, and the hook/ folder is there since Connect walks the folder structure down looking for any .py/.pyc file that has a register function. So if you have complex integrations with their own hooks you do not want to source those (let me know if you want me to elaborate on this). If you prefer FTRACK_EVENT_PLUGIN_PATH that is still fine, if you want to use FTRACK_CONNECT_PLUGIN_PATH you can still do sort of a flat structure and put all hooks in one dir: <root-folder>/my_studio/hook/
  10. I think you should prefer using FTRACK_CONNECT_PLUGIN_PATH whenever possible. In what way doesn't it work, nothing happens? Be careful to structure the plugins correctly, see this article: http://ftrack-connect.rtd.ftrack.com/en/latest/developing/plugins.html#plugins
  11. I think modifying it should be fine since options it will then be used when doing is used with subprocess.Popen The application and context is just sent for reference, the command and options can be modified to tweak what is launched. If you've got the time it would be very nice if you could fork and create a pull-request for this. A ftrack.connect.application.after-launch hook, with the pid and some meta data. If you do this it would be great if you could add some documentation about the event as well! :-)
  12. Glad to hear that it worked out! Please let me know if you find anything that is complicated, confusing or not well documented!
  13. The feature I mentioned above is released and you can find more information here: http://ftrack-connect.rtd.ftrack.com/en/0.1.21/using/plugin_directory.html http://ftrack-connect.rtd.ftrack.com/en/0.1.21/developing/plugins.html http://ftrack-connect.rtd.ftrack.com/en/0.1.21/developing/hooks/application_launch.html#ftrack-connect-application-launch You can reply here with questions or feedback!
  14. Hi everyone! I'm writing here to let you know that we are working on some changes to make Connect easier to extend and develop plugins for. Some of you I've already been in contact with but I would love to hear the feedback and opinions from the Community. We have a lot of ideas that we want to implement in Connect but the plan is to start out by tackling two common issues: Extending and modifying the environment and command when an application starts from Connect. Adding hooks to Connect without modifying the FTRACK_EVENT_PLUGIN_PATH. The way we intend to solve this is: Emit an event every time an application is launched from Connect. The event will contain application identifier, context, command and options that contain the environment variables. Here you will be able to make changes to environment variables, command and options. This should allow a lot of flexibility without having to override the built-in hook it-self. A platform dependent default directory from where plugins can be discovered without modifications to FTRACK_EVENT_PLUGIN_PATH. E.g. on OS X it would be something like /Users/mattiaslagergren/Library/Application Support/ftrack-connect-plugins/. We also intend to give the option set an environment variable so that you can centralise the plugins to one directory that everyone in the studio reads from. Connect will pick up plugins from both places.
  15. It is not something we have on the roadmap right now but I will make sure we have a proper feature request for it. When you say folder you mean a folder item in ftrack? When this happens by mistake is it completely unintentional, like clicking the wrong buttons? Or is it more that you changed your mind / or mixed up the names of what you intended to delete?
  16. Hi Nick, At the moment this feature is not estimated and planned in an up-coming release. But as soon as we have prioritized it I can give you a better time estimate on when it will make it into a release Best regards, Mattias L
  17. Hi Nick, Using User attributes in the Expression attributes are not supported at the moment. I guess you would do something like: {self.bid * User.rate} I will add it as a feature request to our internal backlog. Best regards, Mattias L
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