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Remus Avram

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Hello F-track,


there is any possibility to create a subtask of a task?


For example we have many rigging/modelling/... tasks for a character:

rigging - skin

            - bones

            - face

            - body




We would like to know what can be the best practice to do this.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Remus,


Currently the only way is to add those types as task types on the project, like 'rigging - skin' task type, 'rigging - bones' task type etc.


We are also working on a way to add your own custom entities (like 'episode', 'sequence', etc), and that would probably be a better solution for you.


Let me know if you have any more questions.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Mattias,


thank you for your answer and thank you for working on a way to customise the entities!


The problem is that if we add the task like 'rigging - skin' task type, 'rigging - bones' task type, then at the end we will have too many tasks for one shot (20 - 50) and some of them are confusing because coordinators/producers don't have to check on them. Subtask should be allowed to be managed by the TD artists.


Or is there any possibility that a task to be visible only for a group of people?


Best regards,


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  • 11 months later...

We still not have sub-tasks in the sense of todos. The new solution that have come in ftrack is that you could group them visibly in a "Rigging" Folder. This is the new custom entities that Mattias S mentioned above.

Out of curiosity, what is the purpose of the sub-tasks. Would you like to assign the subtasks and set end date on them or is it more for the artist doing the Rigging task to keep track of what to do?

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  • 2 months later...


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