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Change schema

Milan Kolar

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Hey guys. 


One thing I'm dealing with right now and it appears I'm stuck. We have 2 shows using the same schema. However midway through production one of them started changing a bit in terms of requirements from client, director etc. So I need to tweak the schema for this one a bit. Different statuses, plus some other config differences. The question is. Is it possible to change the schema after the project is created? I didn't find a way, just as well as I didn't find a way to duplicate schema. That would be super helpful too considering how annoying it is to keep creating new ones all the time.






I forgot to add, that my aim is to separate these two shows, because we don't want the changes made on show2 reflected into show1

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Hi Milan,


Currently it is not possible to change via the web interface after the project has been created. There is however a feature request ticket on that and another ticket on a way to duplicate a schema.

You could maybe try changing it via the API but it is not supported at the moment and you try at your own risk.





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