I'm trying to query for a specific value that exists in a multi-select dynamic enum. Here's the value of the attribute:
In [10]: task['custom_attributes']['userDynEnum_Coordinator']
Out[10]: [u'greyc', u'jennifera']
If there's only one value selected in the enum, I can use this query:
'Task where custom_attributes any (key is "userDynEnum_Coordinator" and value is "greyc")'
But with multiple values, that doesn't work. I can use this:
'Task where custom_attributes any (key is "userDynEnum_Coordinator" and value like "%greyc%")'
But that's dangerous because if "grey" is ever a value, it would return that as well, and I don't want it to.
I've also tried these query options and they throw errors:
'Task where custom_attributes any (key is "userDynEnum_Coordinator" and value any ("greyc"))'
'Task where custom_attributes any (key is "userDynEnum_Coordinator" and value has ("greyc"))'
'Task where custom_attributes any (key is "userDynEnum_Coordinator" and "greyc" in value)'
Any suggestions on what I could do here?