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Lorenzo Angeli

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Lorenzo Angeli last won the day on May 27

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  1. @emlcpfx You can find examples on how to use the ReviewSession in our developer hub, I hope is what you are after. For what concerns Connect plugins, you can find an example in our recipes repository (is a Location, but the plugin structure is similar). And please, feel free to share any error you are having here, or through support tickets if you prefer. Hope it helps. L.
  2. Hi @Nikolay Skolkov , thanks for reaching out. Would you mind opening a ticket with support@ftrack.com and provide connect logs and version information of the integrations, so we can have a closer look ? Thanks ! L.
  3. Hi @thomastraum . looking at the script you linked I agree, it should made available to all as seems pretty handy. On this regard , I'd like to ask if you'd (or Claude, which seems the original owner of the script) be up for opening PR against our recipes repository so we can provide it to all the usebase. Please feel free to ping us directly on support@ftrack.com in case you need any help doing so. Cheers. L. P.s If you know how to reach Claude , please feel free to point him to this discussion.
  4. Hi @Pawel Starzynski, just reproduced your setup and your script seems to be doing the right thing. The only thing I'd change to further speed this up is to project username in the User query. If you are after perfomance tweaking please be sure to read our article about it ! Hope it helps. L.
  5. Hi @Pawel Starzynski, we have some examples as part of our api documentation related to custom attribute link. Pease let us know in case you don't find help there. Cheers. L.
  6. Hi @Pawel Starzynski glad to hear was successful. if you have any other question , please do not hesitate to reach out. have a great week !
  7. @Pawel Starzynski if yuo are after timelogs, you can try something like this: import ftrack_api import arrow session = ftrack_api.Session() now = arrow.now() then = now.shift(days=-100) all_events = session.query('Timelog where start >= "{0}" and start < "{1}" order by start asc'.format(then, now)).all() print(list(all_events)) hope it helps. L.
  8. Hi @Pelle Persson timelogs events should appears under ftrack.update topic as following: { 'id': 'dda8175c9de94b91a8022ea59a336218', 'data': { 'entities': [ {'entity_type': 'Timelog', 'keys': ['duration', 'user_id', 'context_id', 'start', 'comment', 'time_zone_offset', 'id'], 'objectTypeId': 'timelog', 'entityType': 'timelog', 'parents': [ {'entityId': '98b91a33-5ece-4b3d-8d60-f864b9ddfea0', 'entityType': 'timelog', 'entity_type': 'Timelog', 'parentId': None}, {'entityId': 'fd9f5470-f8f2-4311-9c9b-47bc2fd1d6da', 'entityType': 'task', 'entity_type': 'Task', 'parentId': '784dbb7a-56e1-4121-93bd-daf6c9f42c0d'}, {'entityId': '784dbb7a-56e1-4121-93bd-daf6c9f42c0d', 'entityType': 'task', 'entity_type': 'Shot', 'parentId': 'e36e4409-995e-4654-97d3-db59d31aa8cf'}, {'entityId': 'e36e4409-995e-4654-97d3-db59d31aa8cf', 'entityType': 'task', 'entity_type': 'Sequence', 'parentId': '801cf9df-08b0-43d8-aba6-d4e2f63bbca9'}, {'entityId': '801cf9df-08b0-43d8-aba6-d4e2f63bbca9', 'entityType': 'show', 'entity_type': 'Project', 'parentId': None} ], 'parentId': None, 'action': 'add', 'entityId': '98b91a33-5ece-4b3d-8d60-f864b9ddfea0', 'changes': { 'comment': {'new': '', 'old': None}, 'time_zone_offset': {'new': -7200, 'old': None}, 'user_id': {'new': 'bcdf57b0-acc6-11e1-a554-f23c91df1211', 'old': None}, 'context_id': {'new': 'fd9f5470-f8f2-4311-9c9b-47bc2fd1d6da', 'old': None}, 'start': {'new': '2024-05-27T12:33:50', 'old': None}, 'duration': {'new': 600, 'old': None}, 'id': {'new': '98b91a33-5ece-4b3d-8d60-f864b9ddfea0', 'old': None} } } ], 'pushToken': None, 'parents': ['e36e4409-995e-4654-97d3-db59d31aa8cf', '784dbb7a-56e1-4121-93bd-daf6c9f42c0d', 'fd9f5470-f8f2-4311-9c9b-47bc2fd1d6da', '801cf9df-08b0-43d8-aba6-d4e2f63bbca9', '98b91a33-5ece-4b3d-8d60-f864b9ddfea0'], 'user': {'userid': 'bcdf57b0-acc6-11e1-a554-f23c91df1211', 'name': 'lorenzo angeli'}, 'clientToken': '0c9d7a0b-14f7-4e78-903c-d2ecf5fa94e8-1716813211993'}, 'topic': 'ftrack.update', 'sent': None, 'source': {'clientToken': '0c9d7a0b-14f7-4e78-903c-d2ecf5fa94e8-1716813211993', 'applicationId': 'ftrack.client.web', 'id': '0c9d7a0b-14f7-4e78-903c-d2ecf5fa94e8-1716813211993', 'user': {'username': 'lorenzo', 'id': 'bcdf57b0-acc6-11e1-a554-f23c91df1211'} }, 'target': '', 'in_reply_to_event': None } Hope it helps.
  9. Sorry @emmawilson Slipped through the cracks. Approved now ! Cheers. L.
  10. Hi @Martin Frodl , you can provide this feature , implepmenting a custom event listener similar to this one available on our recipes repository. This example synk the statuses with parent or children entities, but you can adapt it to your needs. in case you need, you can find more information on our dev hub or the api documentation. hope it helps ! L.
  11. Hi @Bruce you can find the connect logs in the following locations : Windows: C:\Documents and Settings\<User>\Application Data\Local Settings\ftrack\ftrack-connect\log macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/ftrack/ftrack-connect/log Linux: ~/.local/share/ftrack-connect/log you can find more information about connect on our help if you need. Cheers. L.
  12. @Bruce could you please open a ticket with our support and provide the connect's log files so we can have a closer look ? Thanks. L.
  13. Hi @Bruce osx is a bit trickier for environment variables to setup, but the following should work. (please note I'm not an osx user myself so I had to rely on some company hive mind for the following) 1) check the current shell in use with : 2) depending on your shell in use edit bash or zsh profiles: you can append the export command to the .bash_profile or .zshrc file. Open Terminal and type : or you can then add the environment variables in this file as: Once done save and quit. If you want to load the environment variables rigth away just source the file with : or Hope it helps ! let us know. Cheers.
  14. Hi @Bruce I have tested the user location just yesterday on latest connect and seems to be working fine. From the error it seems you are having issue on the environment variables setup, may I ask on what Os are you using it ? if you are on OSX you might have different options to do so depending on the shell type in use.
  15. Done @Joel Hutton
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