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Total time budget for a project


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Hey Simon, welcome to the forums!

In the Projects report there is a column for Billable hours. This is a summary of the bid attribute on tasks that are billable. You can read more about the projects report and billable hours here: http://ftrack.rtd.ftrack.com/en/stable/using/reporting/projects_report.html?highlight=billable

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Thanks, that is a good way if everything was planned down to the hour.  We work in a small motion design studio and a lot of the time the tasks are a bit looser.  Is there a global project attribute for the "Hours logged" that I could pull into an Custom attribute expression (and use another custom attribute, "Time Budget") to make the calculation?    

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7 hours ago, Simon said:

Is there a global project attribute for the "Hours logged" that I could pull into an Custom attribute expression (and use another custom attribute, "Time Budget") to make the calculation?    

The logged hours number is not available in the expression so that is unfortunately not possible. Without resorting to API and custom development it may be hard to have that in the same view.

A possible "hack" could be to add a task "Time budget" to the project and give all the bid to that task. Then that bid should show up in the reports and other places. The downside is that it may also affect other numbers - like % Completion. 

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Yeah that was what I was doing until Bid days started to get added to other Tasks and then everything got messed up.  I have just added a Custom Attribute and I will have that pane open when looking at the time logged in Reports and compare myself.


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