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Any plans to make the API python 3.x compatible?


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Hi Thorsten,

The new API was originally designed to be compatible with both python 2.x and 3.x but due to the extra testing required  we currently only support the former. It is something we have wanted to look at but it has not been a high priority.  CY2019  ( http://www.vfxplatform.com/ )  might however move to version 3.x due to support for python 2.x coming to an end in 2020 so it is something we definitely need to start looking at.



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  • 1 year later...

Hi Thorsten, there are some news regarding api and support for py3k.

We have been opening a new forum section to provide early access (with instructions and warnings) to the development branch which provide support to python 3.6 , how to install and test.

If you have a chance to test, please share there your finds in there!


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  • 3 months later...

Any updates on this work?

Looking at the py3 branch on Bitbucket there haven't been any commits for 3 months and I was hoping we might hear more at SIGGRAPH, but I didn't see anything.  Currently the ftrack-api is the major blocker preventing us from completing adoption of Python 3 so I'd love to get some hints about when we might expect a stable release that supports it.



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Hi @Jed Frechette , the Py3k branch didn't get much of an update as we have not found any issue so far , but neither we heard users reporting using it.
We do have testing on the latest python versions and lately tested on Blender 2.8.x (the only DCC which provides Py3k to my knowledge) and seems to be working fine there as well, but of course automated testing and light testing on just one DCC app does not provide full insights on whether something have been missing or not working properly to replace the current stable version.

Siggraph wise, we wanted to start providing updates , but we've been kept busy with other things and we have not managed to find time to address proper time to push this forward, but this is something we'll definitely doing now that we are all back from the summer break.

We are mostly waiting to have users reporting its testing so we can move forward.
If you had a chance to test I would like to hear more from you ! 
(feel free to do so through support channel if you prefer ! )



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