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Eric Hermelin

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Eric Hermelin last won the day on February 27 2018

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  1. Hi, you could order by the version attribute ie. asset_version = session.query( 'select version from AssetVersion where task_id is "{0}" order by version desc'.format( 'ecac0828-4d0a-11e7-953e-0a580aa00899' ) ).first() cheers Eric
  2. Hi, Currently this does not exists for other entities, we are however discussing different approaches for allowing this in the future. In the meantime you could perhaps ( provided the entity was created through the web interface ) create send back some feedback to the user with something like: session.delete( task ) event = ftrack_api.event.base.Event( topic='ftrack.action.trigger-user-interface', data={ 'type': 'message', 'success': False, 'message': 'Your task was incorrectly named' }, target=( 'applicationId=ftrack.client.web and user.id={0}'.format( event['source']['user']['id'] ) ) ) session.event_hub.publish( event ) session.commit() cheers Eric
  3. Hi Thorsten, The new API was originally designed to be compatible with both python 2.x and 3.x but due to the extra testing required we currently only support the former. It is something we have wanted to look at but it has not been a high priority. CY2019 ( http://www.vfxplatform.com/ ) might however move to version 3.x due to support for python 2.x coming to an end in 2020 so it is something we definitely need to start looking at. cheers Eric
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