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Publish to custom Locations


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I added a new location and structure plugin to ftrack, to be able to save assets in our own folder structure. It works fine if I publish assets from python, however the nuke plugin seems to ignore the new location.

I registered the location with the highest priority, but the assets still get published to the ftrack locations. I can't even see the location in the Import Asset dialog.


Are these locations hardcoded, or did I miss something?

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I'm trying to get this custom structure plugin working so I can publish to our own folder structure:  http://ftrack.rtd.ftrack.com/en/latest/developing/legacy/locations/example/structure_plugin.html

I'm using the example resolver plugin as well: http://ftrack.rtd.ftrack.com/en/latest/developing/legacy/locations/example/resolver_plugin.html

Right now, when I publish a component, it publishes, but the version path online is totally blank and I can't seem to find any sign of the file on my local system.

I have this working with the custom resolver and location plugin, but integrating the custom structure plugin seems to cause some issues.

I see that it's not production ready, but how would I go about hooking this up with my location and resolver plugins?

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Hi Mike,

I would recommend some debugging here to see where it goes wrong. It sounds like there is no proper resource identifier being generated from the structure plugin. A few prints in the structure plugin or in the surrounding code when using the location should point you in the right direction.

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Thanks, Mattias, just needed a push in the right direction!  

I was able to get it working, but I can't get proper logging from the resource plugin.  It only outputs certain log statements in the main class e.g. If I put something like logger.info('blah blah blah') in the getResourceIdentifier function, nothing outputs to the log (A better example in the structure_plugin below)

Here is my directory structure in case you need it:

+ ftrack-connect-plugins (The FTRACK_CONNECT_PLUGIN_PATH env points to this dir)
	+ mb_location
		+ hook
			+ location
				- studio_location_plugin.py
		+ resource
			+ mb_structure
				- __init__.py
				- mb_structure_plugin


import os
import sys
import logging

import ftrack

def register(registry, **kw):
	'''Register plugin.'''

	logger = logging.getLogger('ftrack_plugin:studio_location')

	# Validate that registry is the correct ftrack.Registry. If not,
	# assume that register is being called with another purpose or from a
	# new or incompatible API and return without doing anything.
	if registry is not ftrack.LOCATION_PLUGINS:
		# Exit to avoid registering this plugin again.
			'Not subscribing plugin as passed argument {0!r} is not an '
			'ftrack.Registry instance.'.format(registry)

	# Import custom structure plugin.
	RESOURCE_DIRECTORY = os.path.abspath(
	os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'resource')
	if RESOURCE_DIRECTORY not in sys.path:

	logger.info('Resource directory : %s' % RESOURCE_DIRECTORY)

	from mb_structure import mb_structure_plugin

	# Location and prefix variables.
	site = os.getenv('SITE').lower()
	studio = os.getenv('STUDIO').lower()
	LOCATION = '{0}.{1}'.format(studio, site)
	PREFIX = os.path.join('S:', os.sep, '__FTRACKTEST')


	logger.info('LOCATION: %s' % LOCATION)
	logger.info('PREFIX: %s' % PREFIX)

	# Create a location instance.
	location = ftrack.Location(


import logging
import ftrack

logger = logging.getLogger('ftrack_plugin:mb_structure')
logger.info('Init structure module...')                                      # This outputs

class DumpingGroundStructure(ftrack.Structure):
	'''Dumping ground structure.
	Follows pattern:
	For example:
	.. warning::
		Not recommended for production use.
	logger.info('Init structure...')                                          # This outputs

	def getResourceIdentifier(self, entity):
		'''Return a :term:`resource identifier` for supplied *entity*.
		.. note::
			Only supports :py:class:`~ftrack.Component` entities.
		logger.info('Getting resource identifier...')                          # This doesn't output

		if not isinstance(entity, ftrack.Component):
			raise NotImplementedError('Cannot generate resource identifier for '
									  'unsupported entity {0}'.format(entity))
		component = entity

		# Can't generate identifier for a non-sequence container component.
		if (
			and component.getSystemType() != 'sequence'
			raise NotImplementedError('Cannot generate resource identifier for '
									  'container component {0}'.format(entity))

		container = component.getContainer()
		if container:
			# Use container for consistency across sibling members.
			hierarchy = container.getParents()
			hierarchy = component.getParents()

		# Construct structure.
		structure = []
		if self.prefix:
			logger.info('Prefix : %s' % self.prefix)

		# Compute and add new filename if appropriate. Note that a sequence will
		# have a file name in the form prefix.%04d.ext.
		# E.g. test_sc010_010_spacestationLights_img_v001_main.%04d.exr
		fileNameStructure = self._getHierarchyStructure(hierarchy)

		if container:
			# Use container name for consistency across sibling members.

		fileName = '_'.join(fileNameStructure)

		if container:
			# Member of a container so add entity name as index.
			fileName += '.{0}'.format(entity.getName())

		elif component.getSystemType() in ('sequence',):
			# Add a sequence identifier.
			sequenceExpression = self._getSequenceExpression(component)
			fileName += '.{0}'.format(sequenceExpression)

		if fileName is not None:
			if container:
				# Use container extension for consistency across sibling
				fileType = container.getFileType()
				fileType = component.getFileType()

			if fileType:
				fileName += component.getFileType()


		return self.pathSeparator.join(structure)

	def _getHierarchyStructure(self, hierarchy):
		'''Return structure for *hierarchy*.

		Examine the *hierarchy* and return ordered list of names to use for

		Example result::

			['myproject', 'sc001', '010', 'render', 'img', 'v001']

		structure = []

		for ancestor in reversed(hierarchy):
				name = ancestor.getName()

			except AttributeError:
				if isinstance(ancestor, ftrack.AssetVersion):
					# Add padded version number for asset version.
					version = 'v{0:03d}'.format(ancestor.getVersion())


			if isinstance(ancestor, ftrack.Component):
				# Ignore intermediate components.

				name = name.lower().replace(' ', '_')

				if isinstance(ancestor, ftrack.Asset):
					# Add asset type short code.
					assetType = ancestor.getType().getShort()

		return structure



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