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Simplify team management


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As a Production Manager I need to add users in a faster way into groups. At the moment if I have already users add to my project team and I want to add them to a new group I need to re-add them into the group (and maybe I miss one or two).
It would be very helpful if you could implement a drag&drop method.

The same method would be very helpful into the "User and Group" settings as well.

E.g. if I have new users that are still not grouped I need to select the group they belong to first, and then trying to remember their names to add them into the selected group. And if they belong to different groups I need to select the group, look for the new user, add him/her and re do the same procedure in the next group.

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Thank you. This was just a proposal how it could work. It can be done with multiple selection and a function like "add selected to group" as well....or when adding users to the group the list of users (that can be added) can be just contain the users added to the ungrouped team.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another way that would be great is to have the Groups be listed in a column next to the person's name so you can see which groups they belong to, and be able to multiple select and adjust the contents of that column.  Same as how the assignee column works.

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