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  4. Hi! I've been trying to delete a whole project, but I can't find a way to do it quick and easy, and I can't find any help in that matter on forums or documentation. Can't be that hard, right? I have full permisions on ftrack so that shouldn't be a problem, anyone can help me? Thanks! David.
  5. This is still a show-stopper for us, so much that we had to move away from ftrack, we need integration tools to make this work, we do not have a 5 person pipeline dev team to tackle these challenges ourselfs.
  6. Hi @Bruce you can find the connect logs in the following locations : Windows: C:\Documents and Settings\<User>\Application Data\Local Settings\ftrack\ftrack-connect\log macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/ftrack/ftrack-connect/log Linux: ~/.local/share/ftrack-connect/log you can find more information about connect on our help if you need. Cheers. L.
  7. Bruce

    Connect 2.1.1

    What would the location of the log file be, for Mac and Windows?
  8. @Bruce could you please open a ticket with our support and provide the connect's log files so we can have a closer look ? Thanks. L.
  9. Bruce

    Connect 2.1.1

    Just got this error testing it on a windows machine. File "C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\Python\3.7.9\x64\Lib\site-packages\cx_Freeze\initscripts\__startup__.py", line 113, in run File "C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\Python\3.7.9\x64\Lib\site-packages\cx_Freeze\initscripts\Console.py", line 15, in run File "source\ftrack_connect_installer\__main__.py", line 158, in <module> File "C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\Python\3.7.9\x64\lib\site-packages\ftrack_connect\__main__.py", line 183, in main File "C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\Python\3.7.9\x64\lib\site-packages\ftrack_connect\__main__.py", line 136, in main_connect File "C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\Python\3.7.9\x64\lib\site-packages\ftrack_connect\ui\application.py", line 209, in __init__ File "C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\Python\3.7.9\x64\lib\site-packages\ftrack_connect\ui\application.py", line 438, in login File "C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\Python\3.7.9\x64\lib\site-packages\ftrack_connect\ui\application.py", line 635, in loginWithCredentials File "C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\Python\3.7.9\x64\lib\site-packages\ftrack_connect\ui\application.py", line 648, in _location_configuration_finished File "C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\Python\3.7.9\x64\lib\site-packages\ftrack_connect\ui\application.py", line 496, in _setup_session
  10. Is it possible to restrict the available list of assetversions' statuses on a per user basis ? We are facing a situation where when a specific user uploads an assetversion it gets automatically the 'Client Sent' status and the drop down status menu shows no other options. This is not the case for everyone else working on the same project where they get assigned 'Sup Review' status, as expected... Thanks
  11. Hi @Bruce osx is a bit trickier for environment variables to setup, but the following should work. (please note I'm not an osx user myself so I had to rely on some company hive mind for the following) 1) check the current shell in use with : 2) depending on your shell in use edit bash or zsh profiles: you can append the export command to the .bash_profile or .zshrc file. Open Terminal and type : or you can then add the environment variables in this file as: Once done save and quit. If you want to load the environment variables rigth away just source the file with : or Hope it helps ! let us know. Cheers.
  12. Bruce

    Connect 2.1.1

    Ok, thanks. So on windows it should be fine then... The attached is my Mac. We have a number of different users and machines. Just wanted to make sure we solid before rolling out and then having issues across production department.
  13. Hi @Bruce I have tested the user location just yesterday on latest connect and seems to be working fine. From the error it seems you are having issue on the environment variables setup, may I ask on what Os are you using it ? if you are on OSX you might have different options to do so depending on the shell type in use.
  14. Bruce

    Connect 2.1.1

    we are struggling to get the environment variable for the AWS working with the new 24.4 version of Connect. Any help or ideas would be awesome!
  15. Hi there, can I get an invite for two people? joel.hutton@dbox.com neil.griffiths@dbox.com Thanks!
  16. @Bruce please open a ticket with support@ftrack.com and we'll pick it up from there, Cheers.
  17. Hi @Lorenzo Angeli, pls can you assist us with the setup of Ftrack across multiple locations for one company. We have about 10users all working remotely. Would you be able to assist my self and Dima to do this please?
  18. Hi @MeadowEstrada , the information you are after I believe are under the various TypedContext entities. maybe this action example can help you out. let us know ! Cheers. L.
  19. Managing Gantt task links through the API sounds like a great idea for customization. It seems like the 'dependency' entity you're seeing in the network tab could be related to task links, but if it's not listed in the API schema reference, there might be some limitations.One approach you could try is to reach out to the support team of the Gantt tool or the API provider. They might be able to provide you with some insights or updates on the API capabilities related to task links.If you're interested in exploring more about API usage and development, you can check out https://planfix.com/teams/product/ for resources and discussions. Keep experimenting, and hopefully, you'll find a solution that works for you!
  20. Hi Lorenzo, Thanks so much for the info and insight that you have been giving Dima. We really appreciate it.
  21. Hi @dima, both ftrack-sftp-accessor and ftrack-s3-accessor are api plugins and not server ones, therefore there's no point in trying to have them installed on the self hosted server. In each repository you can find a snippet on how to initialise and use them just through the api: s3-example , sftp-example You can find an example use of the s3-accessor in this user-location plugin for your third point, there's no need of using lambdas , you can just rely on the internal ftrack events to do so, please check the user-location above as reference. hope it helps/ L.
  22. I already tried to use ftrack-s3-accessor as a plugin, but apparently it is outdated, so now plugins are installed through the hook folder. I tried to upload it to the plugins folder but there were no obvious changes. I also tried using ftrack-sftp-accessor, but also to no avail. Maybe there is someone on the forum who can help with installing ftrack-s3-accessor? I've been trying to install it for 2 weeks now, but these are the conclusions: 1. We tried to install ftrack on our server (self-hosted), and try to install ftrask-s3-connect there, but we had difficulties with it. Firstly, if we deploy ftrack on our server, then we will need to maintain it, and if everything goes wrong there, then we ourselves will need to restore the data, etc. In addition, to set up kubernetes, we need to involve a specialist. This means that this option is not very acceptable for us. Also on the forum we never received answer anything about plugin S3 2. I tried to make a plugin and upload it to ftrack connect, but there are no instructions on how to debug plugins, most likely this can be done if ftrack is located on its own server, see point 1 3. I have an idea to try using the ftrack api to connect to ourdomain.ftrackapp.com, make a kind of service, an AWS Lambda Function or locally on a PS/MAC and try to listen to events and try to transfer files to this service.
  23. Hi @dima if you are just starting with the Location system, I'd suggest having a look at our location webinar. If you are after some more technical details have a look at our documentation and our recipes repository. Please start using this as plugin , following the example from the recipes. Hope ithelps. L.
  24. Sorry, I'm new, should I write this code in the plugin and load the plugin using ftrack connect?
  25. Hi there, Could I get an invite please? manuelf@zoovfx.com Thanks!
  26. HI! I'm trying to create a custom attribute expression that pulls some data I keep at the version level to the shot level. Does anyone have any examples on how to write expressions? Thank you!
  27. Hi Is there an update on whether or not we can edit team members logs? It's providing quite an issue for us.
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