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Event listener tutorial?

Alberto GZ

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I need a event listener to change a custom type getting value from object.name.
Exemplify this: 
1. I created a custom object called Image

2. For Image object I created three new types: ambient, detail and variant

3. Image.name follow this coding:  001_ABC_XYZ_AMB01, 001_ABC_XYZ_DET01, 001_ABC_XYZ_VAR01...

The event listener should be read each Image.name in the project and assign Image.type to ambient, detail, or variant according to find string in name. AMB=ambient; DET=detail; VAR=variant

I readed dev docs for handling events in FTrack, but I would need a basic tutorial to create and use a event listener, because I have some doubts and questions.

For example, once downloaded ftrack-api, where I should copy these files? files that contains python code for events, where I put them?  in a folder called Events inside ftrack-api folder structure?

These and other questions like that I have. Someone knows any tutorial to create and use event listener in FTrack?


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