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Automatically populating Start Date (API)

Phil Franjo

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I'm currently reading documentation on the API/Event listeners, my goal being to have an event listener watch for the first activity on a shot (Whenever the shot is marked 'In Progress') and automatically populate the start date accordingly.  I'd like to achieve this so our schedule/overview can be automatically populated, with the end date being auto-populated by the bid hours.

My question is, once I figure out the way to do it, will it be populated retroactively? When I run the action will it populate all the start dates that aren't already populated? If not, is this possible to do through the API?

Thank you,

-Phil F

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hi @Phil Franjo, although with different scope , there's an example to monitor status changes through the events here https://bitbucket.org/ftrack/ftrack-recipes/src/master/python/events/cascade_status_changes/

Being event based (hence real time) won't act retroactively , this is something you can implement as one off script on the same logic.
Hope it helps.

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