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Component 'duplicate entry'

Willem Zwarthoed

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We've migrated to ftrack 3.5 today and now I'm having a hard time debugging this error:

shot_thumbnail            = shot.create_thumbnail(shotObj.thumbnail)
File "/../ftrack_api/entity/component.py", line 59, in create_thumbnail
server_location.add_component(thumbnail_component, [origin_location])
File "/../ftrack_api/entity/location.py", line 78, in add_component
[component], sources=source, recursive=recursive
File "/../ftrack_api/entity/location.py", line 250, in add_components
LocationError: Failed to register components with location
<ServerLocation("ftrack.server", 3a372bde-05bc-11e4-8908-20c9d081909b)> due to error:

Server reported error: IntegrityError((_mysql_exceptions.IntegrityError) (1062,
"Duplicate entry '7063f1a5-b6d3-44e9-a76f-f8958a974f53' for key 'PRIMARY'")
[SQL: u'INSERT INTO context (name, id)
VALUES (%s, %s)'] [parameters: (('',
u'7063f1a5-b6d3-44e9-a76f-f8958a974f53'), ('',
u'7063f1a5-b6d3-44e9-a76f-f8958a974f53'), ('',
u'7063f1a5-b6d3-44e9-a76f-f8958a974f53'), ('',
u'7063f1a5-b6d3-44e9-a76f-f8958a974f53'), ('',
u'7063f1a5-b6d3-44e9-a76f-f8958a974f53'), ('',
u'7063f1a5-b6d3-44e9-a76f-f8958a974f53'), ('',
u'7063f1a5-b6d3-44e9-a76f-f8958a974f53'), ('',
u'7063f1a5-b6d3-44e9-a76f-f8958a974f53'), ('',
Transferred component data that may require cleanup: [(<dynamic ftrack FileComponent
object 41096912>, 'db635dce-a914-431e-

This is now happening on all scripted components I'm creating, but I'm not 100% sure the migration is to blame. Here's an edited sample of what I'm doing:

shot_data = {}

shot_data["entity"] = {
    'name'          : shotObj.shot,
    'status'        : shot_status,
    'description'   : shotObj.description

shot_data["custom_attributes"] = {
    'Colorspace'    : [shotObj.out_colorspace],
    'Resolution'    : [shotObj.out_res],
    'fstart'        : shotObj.first_frame_no,
    'fend'          : shotObj.last_frame_no,
    'viewlut'       : [shotObj.viewlut],
    'Extension'     : [shotObj.out_file_type],
    'Frame Aspect'  : [shotObj.frame_aspect],
    'FPS'           : [shotObj.fps],
    'handles'       : shotObj.handles

shot_data["metadata"] = {}

for key, value in sorted(shotObj.__dict__.iteritems()):
    if key not in ['widget','task_list']:
        shot_data["metadata"][key] = str(value)

shot = session.create( 'Shot', shot_data["entity"])
shot["custom_attributes"] = shot_data["custom_attributes"]
shot["metadata"]          = shot_data["metadata"]
shot_thumbnail            = shot.create_thumbnail(shotObj.thumbnail)

I really don't understand what this error is trying to tell me. When I simply select an existing shot and use the create_thumbnail method everything is fine.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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Ok, so the issue was with these lines:

shot["custom_attributes"] = shot_data["custom_attributes"]
shot["metadata"]          = shot_data["metadata"]

which doesn't work anymore, at least with ftrack 3.5.9 and API version 1.0.4.  All credits to Eric Hermelin from ftrack support for figuring it out and providing the solution:

for key, value in shot_data["custom_attributes"].items():
    shot['custom_attributes'][key] = value

for key, value in shot_data["metadata"].items():
    shot['metadata'][key] = value

Everything is working fine again now.

Thanks Eric and Matthias for resolving this quickly!

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