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altarak last won the day on June 2 2022

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  1. Hello, I recently talked to support about increasing the verbosity of error messages. It would help understand what happens, and why. For example when something errors because the user does not have admin rights, a message could say "You do not have permission to do that, here is the list of users that are allowed to do that : ..." This does not help you, but I felt the subject is linked. Cheers.
  2. Hi @Lorenzo Angeli 🙂 I have sent you a private message, related to Slack. Thanks.
  3. Hi Andrew, Thanks a lot for the clarification ! And if someday we get a project that needs 1,000,000 shots, we will have to deal with challenges related to hiring thousands of people 😉 Cheers, Alain
  4. Hi, I would like to check if I correctly understood the limit of 50 entities per link. I created a custom object, called CameraCustomObj. Then, in the Tasks list, let's pretend I created Cam01, Cam02, ..., ... Cam55. Their type is CameraCustomObj. I then created a Custom Attribute Link, as seen on the screenshot below (Shot linked to the CameraCustomObj entity). As it's a "Single-Selection" link, a shot cannot have more than one CameraCustomObj at once. Here are 2 ways of thinking about it : -A : the "50" limit does not have any effect here (it would only apply if the link was "Multi-Selection"). -B : even with "Single-Selection", if 55 entities were created (Cam01 to Cam55), this "choice among 55 entities" hits the 50 limit, and will cause problems. Is A or B true ? Cheers, Alain
  5. Hello Andrew ! I have found the examples related to Custom Attribute Links : https://ftrack-python-api.readthedocs.io/en/latest/example/custom_attribute_link.html https://ftrack-python-api.readthedocs.io/en/latest/example/manage_custom_attribute_configuration.html#links But I don't find its reference documentation, could you please point me to it ? (I guess it's where limitations are described, as the "50 entitites per link" you talked about) Thanks !
  6. So that others may also comment, here is some information about what rules we would like to enforce (in ftrack's web interface and in ftrack Connect, using python for example). We need to make sure projects, shots, assets, tasks, and also publishing versions, follow these rules : Names must begin with a letter, and they should not contain any of these : spaces, non-english accents, non-unicode characters, special characters, dash - The above sentence can be explained the other way around : names must begin with a letter, and must only contain standard english letters, numbers, and underscores. As a side note, we also make sure that folder and file names (which come from entities names) also follow this : -Folder names are all uppercase. -File names are all lowercase. I have worked for several companies that have chosen these same rules (because less strict rules often cause compatibility problems in softwares and scripts), but of course I guess other companies may prefer other rules.
  7. Hi Andrew, Thanks for your answer. I attach here an image of my ideal UI, I think it is easy to use and understand by end users. It's a field in which the user enters his text (for the name of the new project / shot / asset / task). Below that field, another field automatically displays (in real-time, as you type) the cleaned validated version of the text (this field is read-only, greyed-out). This is the version that is used as real name. So, you don't need to display a popup that says "your name is wrong", as the cleaned name is already displayed in the main UI, and will be used. Cheers.
  8. Hello, We are currently evaluating ftrack (trial period of ftrack Studio) I agree that we can't count on human hands to be typing correct names (sanitized, and using a custom syntax). We should have a way to use python (or at least regex) to customise name validation for projects, shots, assets, tasks, and also when publishing versions. This discussion was held here from 2017 to 2019. Has this feature been added to ftrack since then ? (for ftrack Studio, we do not want to install on-premise with Enterprise) Thanks.
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