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Daniel Fleming

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Posts posted by Daniel Fleming

  1. Hi Diego,

    I have relayed your feedback to the development team.  This isn't something that the product is looking to tackle in the near future.
    We can definitely see the advantages this functionality would have for you and your team and we will hopefully be able to investigate further and invest the needed time in the future.

    That being said the best workaround suggestion I can think of is to use the browsers built in translations. i have attached a gif showing how i used chromes built in browser translator to switch from viewing the site in english and then toggling it back to japanese.

    I realise this does not give you the added benefit of both languages in the same view, but hopefully this will help in the meantime.




  2. Hi Nikolay,

    apologies for the delay in response.  You can set envs in app launcher configs

    simply add this section to the houdini app launcher config files :

    "env": {"HSITE":"some_value", ..}

    You can see how it is done in a similar way when changing the launch arguments: https://ftrackhq.github.io/ftrack-connect-pipeline/tutorial/launch.html

    Also You will need to alter the installed application plugin on machines, e.g.


    And remember to re-apply this configuration each time you re-install the application launcher plugin in Connect

    I hope this helps please let us know if we can help any further.




  3. Hi Alexis,

    The 'organize team' tab serves a couple of functions.  it allows you to create project-specific groups.  it is also the list of people who can be assigned tasks on that project.  when left blank ALL users in the system show up in the drop-down list.  Only those users who are added to the 'organize team' tab can be assigned to tasks from the drop-down.

    the 'project access' tab is as it sounds. It controls who has access to the project. sometimes you may have users who you want access to the project but you do not want them assigned to any work.

    It is also worth noting that project access differs depending on how your roles are set up.  I want to be clear here that "PRIVATE PROJECTS" are a feature designed to be closer to "Air gapped" within your ftrack workspace.  ONLY users who are EXPLICITLY added to a private project can access that project including administrators and API users.  If you want to have some users with overall visibility on all projects then we recommend using open projects and controlling access to those projects through the Roles and project access.

    I hope that helps clear it up a little.  Please let us know if you have any other questions.



  4. Walt submitted a ticket to the support team and we continued the conversation there.

    Currently, in the Web Ui, the widget for creating custom attribute links is the Entity Picker.  This widget is not part of the base class included as part of the actions.

    I have submitted a feature request to the product team to open up more of the library to enable users to create more customisation without needing to do the legwork of creating your own UI.

    If you would also like to add onto the feature request please leave a +1 here.

  5. Hi Kevin,

    As you found you can use a query filter like so

    parent.managers any (user.first_name like "Erik%")

      you can set up multiple queries for different project managers.  Outside of query filters this isn't currently possible.  We have written up a feature request related to this to show the dev team.

    You can save a dashboard for your supervisors and producers and share it with them as well.

  6. Hi YuChen,

    there is not a way to do this through the web UI but you can accomplish this through the API.
    These lines should do the trick:

    new_task = session.query('Task where name is "new_task"').one()
    for version in session.query('AssetVersion where id in ("<id>", "<id>")').all():
        version['task'] = new_task

    where <id> would look something like 0851c76e-90eb-11ed-8a94-62f40cb9d21c. You can get the id from the side panel.


    version['asset']['parent'] = new_task['parent']

    the above should be included in the loop in cases where the task has not been created in the same place on the same parent.



  7. Hi Mani,

    I think there are maybe a couple things happening here. Regarding the user not being able to open client reviews. In version 4.9 the client reviews now differentiate between users and collaborators.  when adding an internal user as a collaborator they need to also have a role with permission to "view client reviews"


    The other thing is that there cannot be a user with the same email as a collaborator.  bear with me while i look for a snippet to help with that

  8. Thanks Eric!

    This is a really great contribution to the community.  you can also use this in the Overview section in the versions page.

    Which also allows you to filter on versions based on client review.  or allow you to download versions from a cross project view I think many people will find really helpful!


  9. Hi Mark,
    I don't believe there is a way to do this in the manner you described, ie a preset.  I will pass this info on to the dev team, in order to be more specific was there anything in particular to how you imagined it would work?

    can I ask what reasons are causing them to refresh the browser as opposed to just refreshing the spreadsheet? (I realise it is likely habit) a current workaround would be to instead of refreshing the browser tab, only refresh the spreadsheet using the button.  when doing this method it doesn't change the view being used.


  10. Hi Marc,
    the Rumours never lie... except when they do.  but in this case they are true!

    the below should play the version when clicking the shot’s thumbnail.  depending on your setting for default player, but it should then play within the Overlay player.

    shot = session.get('Shot', SHOT_ID)
    version = session.get('AssetVersion', ASSET_VERSION_ID)
    shot['thumbnail_id'] = version['thumbnail_id']

    Let me know if you have any problems


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