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  1. We tried a slightly different approach. Each project had a custom variable that dictated which software version it should be using. ie Maya: 2019, Nuke: 12.0v4 aso. And then in the discover function of each softwares action/launcher code it would only display the software versions that matched the project variable. Technically it worked great and each project only allowed corresponding versions of the software to launch, but because of the forced custom variable query per launcher it added an annoying delay every time a user pressed the action button and in the end we decided to disable the feature.
  2. When creating an ftrack project is there a reason for the defaulted mismatch between the project name and the project code? If I name a project "APA" the project name is "APA" while the project code becomes "apa", why? It's quite annoying as we get a mismatch between the project name in the web GUI and the project name API query and we have to manually always remember to rename the project code so that it matches the project name in order to make sure that name and query match.
  3. Hey Simon, So in our case we're planning on adding milestones directly to a project, for things like VIP deliveries, and not to a task or shot. Your above comment regarding "relevant milestones should show up automatically users" doesn't seem to work which I'm guessing is kind of self explanatory as the "relevant" part is dependent on people being assigned to task. So yes it would be awesome if it could be added as a feature request. Especially the teams part as I would think a milestone attached to a project should default to show up for everyone working on that project.
  4. I'm having some annoyances with assignments, especially for milestones. Right now I have to manually add each user I want connected to a milestone so that it shows up in their upcoming dates tab. Is it possible to somehow assign: - everybody - user groups - that projects team (best option)
  5. Is there currently a way of creating multiple shots at once in the web GUI, ie we have 100s of shots to create and I'm wondering if this can be done through the UI or do I have to code it through the API and if so does anyone have an example of how to dynamically create multiple shots at once. Thanks, Alex
  6. We're currently using a custom number attribute for FPS but during our latest project we noticed that the number attribute type seems to round of the amount of decimal points to 2 which caused some issues for us as the project was running at 23.976 FPS and fTrack rounded it of to 23.98 FPS. Is there a reason for the limit of 2 decimal points and is there a way around that without having to switch to a text type attribute? If we have to switch our FPS attribute to a text type will it keep the values it had for all existing and old projects or will it be erased/reset?
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