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  1. That was it ! Thanks for the quick support !
  2. Hello, we are facing a strange bug, we've created a project in ftrack and can't access it via API : The code below : ftrack_session.query('Project order by name asc') returns all the project except the one we wanted so i've tried with the correct project id from ftrack info panel : ftrack_session.query('Project where id is "{0}"'.format(project_id)).first() returns NoneType. That is the first time we are facing this bug. How to make it work properly. (in ftrack connect we can see the project) Thanks
  3. It works, but it will me easier to Have a "Me" in the Assignee list for non powerusers
  4. Hello everyone, as a supervisor i need to create custom filter for my team in the task view. Like 'My shot ready to render" or "My shots" and I have to create manually the filter for each user because in the assignee i can't just pick the current user (Me). My goal is to create the "My shot ready to render" as a Shared Filter with the "(Me)' inside the assignee filter. I now the My Task view is for that but for some departments the need to view all the surrounding tasks is required. Is it possible to put a special variable in the Assignee that is automatically set to the current user logged in ? It can be very convenient to have this feature. I've searched on ftrack and on this forum but can't find this information. Thanks. EDIT : I've looked at the advanced filter settings and found the Query mode but can't make it work with CURRENT_USER_ID, tried : assignments any (resource_id=CURRENT_USER_ID) EDIT2 : Found it :
  5. tdugard

    Event_hub history

    Again me, i add to the previous question : Is there a list somewhere of all event action like 'change.status.task' because at the moment I need to test by hand every change to know every event action possible ?
  6. tdugard

    Event_hub history

    I managed to do it another way not using the event but just the ftrack id of the entity and recurse creation of its ancestors. But last thing the : session.get('Context', id) returns a correct value for Project, Task, Shot, AssetBuild but return None for Note, AssetVersion, Asset how can i know exactly the type of object with only the id ?
  7. tdugard

    Event_hub history

    Hello, i've got a new problem trying to use the event table. When i create shot with a shot template (shot + task) the task are registering event before the shot, here is the output of my tool : 2020-11-23 18:40:44,118 - [ERROR] [#117319] Can't create the task "FX" <ftrack_id:fafc2d40-2db2-11eb-b45c-6e9c55d3c1f9>, missing parent in database <ftrack_id:ed267a70-2daa-11eb-a478-6e9c55d3c1f9> 2020-11-23 18:40:44,359 - [ERROR] [#117320] Can't create the task "Compositing" <ftrack_id:fafbcb16-2db2-11eb-b45c-6e9c55d3c1f9>, missing parent in database <ftrack_id:ed267a70-2daa-11eb-a478-6e9c55d3c1f9> 2020-11-23 18:40:44,631 - [ERROR] [#117321] Can't create the task "Cloth" <ftrack_id:fafb6400-2db2-11eb-b45c-6e9c55d3c1f9>, missing parent in database <ftrack_id:ed267a70-2daa-11eb-a478-6e9c55d3c1f9> 2020-11-23 18:40:44,891 - [INFO] [#117322] Shot "test_project/3000" created <id:5fbbf41cac16c5229f32aa67, ftrack_id:faeffd18-2db2-11eb-b45c-6e9c55d3c1f9> 2020-11-23 18:40:45,233 - [INFO] [#117323] Task "test_project/3000/Animation" created <id:5fbbf41dac16c5229f32aa68, ftrack_id:fafac54a-2db2-11eb-b45c-6e9c55d3c1f9> 2020-11-23 18:40:45,551 - [INFO] [#117324] Task "test_project/3000/Lighting" created <id:5fbbf41dac16c5229f32aa69, ftrack_id:fafe5f84-2db2-11eb-b45c-6e9c55d3c1f9> 2020-11-23 18:40:45,892 - [INFO] [#117325] Task "test_project/3000/Post_Animation" created <id:5fbbf41dac16c5229f32aa6a, ftrack_id:faf84144-2db2-11eb-b45c-6e9c55d3c1f9> 2020-11-23 18:40:46,220 - [INFO] [#117326] Task "test_project/3000/Matte_Painting" created <id:5fbbf41eac16c5229f32aa6b, ftrack_id:fafd8708-2db2-11eb-b45c-6e9c55d3c1f9> 2020-11-23 18:40:46,608 - [INFO] [#117327] Task "test_project/3000/Mocap" created <id:5fbbf41eac16c5229f32aa6c, ftrack_id:fafd2a60-2db2-11eb-b45c-6e9c55d3c1f9> 2020-11-23 18:40:46,944 - [INFO] [#117328] Task "test_project/3000/Assembly" created <id:5fbbf41eac16c5229f32aa6d, ftrack_id:fafdea18-2db2-11eb-b45c-6e9c55d3c1f9> You can see the first 3 events : 117319, 117320, 117321 are tasks related to the shot created at event 117322. All remaining task (event 117323-117328) are cloned correcty.
  8. tdugard

    Event_hub history

    The problem is i can't rely on session.get('Context', id) because of the delete operation. When i check a 'delete' event, i can't use that fonction because this entity no longer exists. So i can't check its type when it's a deletion. I managed with lot's of if/else to identify the entity (actually i don't need to reproduce every table of ftrack db just the main ones). Do you planned to rework the event in db so the event hub and event in db are formatted the same way ? That's strange about the users because the eventhub fires an event for user creation/deletion/update. Maybe i can make a second script to watch the user table instead of Events
  9. tdugard

    Event_hub history

    OK i see how to do that, thanks, but when i tried to manage shot and user events doing queries to the database, i found some bugs : When i got a "Project' event (insert, remove, update, move) the parent type is a show so i think it's the correct behavior but when i got a "Shot" event (insert, remove, update, move) the parent type is a task ? Why a task ? Maybe i'm doing it wrong to know the entity concerned by the event. When i create a user there is no event added to the Events table in ftrack database ! When i used the eventhub callback (my previous solution), user's events (create, delete, update) were triggered. Is it normal ?
  10. tdugard

    Event_hub history

    I successfully replaced the connection to the eventhub with a custom script querying the ftrack database event using the api but i have one last simple question : Actually i am doing 2 requests to the database : event = session.query('Event where id is "{}"'.format(event_id)).first() events = session.query('Event where created_at > "{}"'.format(event['created_at'])) Is it possible to merge it as one query ?
  11. tdugard

    Event_hub history

    Yes that's what i was looking for ! I can save the last processed event id and then when i reopen my callback i just have to process events that are newer than this id
  12. tdugard

    Event_hub history

    So it's not possible to have the event history with an online ftrack setup ? I came from an another production management software where all the events are stored in logs which was really useful. I think this is a must have feature to develop a strong pipeline.
  13. tdugard

    Event_hub history

    Hello everyone, I'm trying to use the eventHub to replicate ftrack actions into a local database. Everything is working fine but i have 2 questions : It is possible to subscribe to the event_hub with a debug flag to show crashes ? because actually when something went wrong, no exception is raised. To make it solid i need to access the event history. Because if my callback program crashes( (internet failure, machine crashes, or code crashes) i need to know what happenned since the last event I had replicated in my local database. So i can process all the missing events when the callback script is running again. Thanks for reading this,
  14. The user is just running the tool with a custom launcher written in python (so it's like running a command line) . I have a program called explorer which query ftrack to get all the projects/shot/task information for the user. Once he have choose a task the explorer launch the correct software with the correct context. I don't use ftrack connect. I have my own database for our projects, the goal is to work with the local DB and replicate the data in the ftrack one to use the Web UI to manage projects easily
  15. I want the user to query the ftrack database using my python tool (listing projects, pick a shot, task, etc...) but i need this user to be bounded to his permissions. The global API keys aren't limited to the user's role so i need to use the user's key but i don't know how to get it to set the environment variable. The best way in my opinion is to ask the user for his ftrack login/pass to request his API key. But maybe i'm wrong...
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