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  1. Hey Julian, thank for your reply. Thats a good idea. We will try that. Like you said, it would be very very welcome to do this kind of sorting stuff with filter queries instead. Thanks again. Sascha
  2. Hi Julian, thank you for your answer, but the built-in latest version filter sadly doesn't work here. It only gets all latest versions like a preselection and other Filters are applied after the "the built-in latest version filter". If I have an Asset Version 7 which has the status "pending review" and an Asset Version 6 with status "Approved" i want to get the Version 6 as result. What I get for this asset when activating the "built-in latest version filter" and filtering for "Approved" and "Artist Reviewed" is an empty result. Thats because Version 7 which is the latest existing version doest not match the filter criteria. Version 6 is not included in the Query. Is there anyone who can help me with this? Thanks!
  3. Hi, we are currently trying to set up a filter query in the browser. Goal is to list all latest version of assets for one project which have the status "approved" or "Artist Reviewed". We have come up with the following query: "(status.name is 'Artist Reviewed' or status.name is 'Approved' ) and (task.type.name is 'Compositing' and asset.name not_like '%preRender%')" The thing is that we only want to see one result, the lastest, and not all versions matching the criteria. I have read in the forum that "limit and order by" statements are not possible in the filter query. Do you have a hint for us to get the result we want? thanks!
  4. Yes exactly. Maybe a project group that is a subset of all the 3D modellers or a subgrop within the 3D group, separating the 3D in smaller departments. Depends on the project structure i guess.
  5. Cool, thanks for your feedback Mattias. The more i think about this concept the more it makes sense for me and is super appealing. In a large project Producers or Lead artist don't necessarily need to assign all tasks to a specific user. The freedom of saying for example these are alle the 3D modelling tasks and i assign them to the 3D modelers group seems very nice. These tasks then appear under the 'available task' column in the my task view for everyone in this group and if a 3D modeler drags a task to another column 'in progress' for example it gets assigned to him/her directly and disappears from the 'available task column for everyone else. So they just work through the pile as they like.
  6. Hello, i was wondering what assigning a user group to a object actually does? I don't see any connect functionality. Documentation only says it's possible but not what it does: ftrack documentation Btw. Our Producer all thought that this would assign all the task inside the object to all the users in the group or make the task available to them and they can select task from the object themselves and i actually think that's a good idea?! Regards Dennis
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