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keyframe last won the day on October 18 2019

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  1. This might already be possible, and i'm simply missing the button -- however... Is it possible for a collaborator to download all the items in a review session at once, instead of having to select each one? The use case, currently, is the overwhelming sea of versions currently being produced in commericals... 16x9, 1x1, 9x16, 5x4 (mutliple languages, multiple offers only make the matter worse).... G
  2. Thanks for the feedback Eric, This is the path that I ended up taking, but, imo, it results in fairly poor UX. the asset gets created, the 'green' notification fires', then a 'red' notification fires, and then the user is asked to refresh their browser. If there's a vote being held anywhere, please put me down for a smoother UX option. Cheers, G
  3. Heya Mattias, Thanks for the hint regarding the ftrack.create_project_action_identifier. It works perfectly for our needs. Any chance that such a facility exists for other entity types such as shot and sequence? The closest I've been able to get thus far is listening for ftrack.update events and retroactively removing 'badly named' entities using session.delete(pooly_named_entity) session.commit() Ideally, these entities would be prevented from being created in the first place. G
  4. Thanks for the link. It's just what we were looking for. G
  5. Heya everyone, Apologies for the rudimentary question. Is it possible to enforce a naming convention for projects at creation time? Ideally i'm hoping to use something like this as a filter: re_valid_project_name = re.compile(r'^[0-9a-z_-]+\_\d{6}$') For a brief time, I thought maybe http://ftrack.rtd.ftrack.com/en/3.5.0/developing/events/list.html#ftrack-validate would be what i'm after, but it seems that this event isn't published to the python api. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, G ps: running 3.5.9 on a local deployment, in case it matters.
  6. If the slack is still alive, I'd love to join. gene@alteregopost.com G
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