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Change Location pick Order


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When I use Ftrack Connect I get firs location from list of Managed Location.

On start, connect pick last registered location as active and publish all to that location.

Is this possible to change active location before publishing? It will be good even if I can disable one location temporary. 


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Pick location is done according to the priority attribute on the locations. Connect is publishing using the legacy api and if you do not have any custom location plugins the picked location will be the "Un managed" one with priority 90. If you've configured a storage scenario, that location should go first.

Are you using centralised storage scenario, custom location plugins or anything else?

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I use custom location plugins with priority setup and this works fine on application start.

But I need ability to publish different components of asset to different location, because I store some huge files on one server (simulation cache, or something like) and smaller projects file on other.


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A possible solution to this issue may be to use a "proxy location". I.e. a location plugin that does not correspond to a "ftrack location" but merely proxies to different locations depending on some logic.

# Add component to proxy_location, behind the scenes it will redirect
# to the correct location according to some custom logic.


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HI, we have been writing something which does what you are after: http://docs.efestolab.uk/tools/proxy-location/index.html
here a small video which show how it works : http://share.efestolab.uk/pydio/data/public/d246fc

overall though, the idea is to have a location which wraps all the final locations you want to publish to , and have a set of rules, that will be checking (component, task etc...) to decide which location is the most suitable.



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