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wrong slashes in UNC path

Nikolay Skolkov

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hi !

I have studio centralized storage scenario and point all mounts according to OS i.e. /mnt/projects for linux and UNC path for windows as //servername/projects

artist works under windows and when one publishes cache it gets path like  \\servername\projects\path\to\asset\v001\cache.abc

but houdini can not load an asset with such backslashes in path - it needs to be forward slashes like "/" ... how can I fix it ?

where can I find a script which reads all project locations and converts it according to OS it runs under....

I have managed to fix a problem just editing houdini asset loader script. but I don't think it is the best way....because problem lays a bit deeper... 



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Hi @Nikolay Skolkov
The script which resolves the path lives in ftrack-connect under hooks with the name of resolver.py.
That said, all the script does is to query the location for the resource identifier and use that.
You could try to modify the resolver and relace the \ with / depending on the OS which triggers it.

Hope it helps.


For windows mountpoints I usually suggest to set an actual mount on the machine such as G://projects as it cause less issues.

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