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Houdini Connect Installation

Peter Arcara

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I am so confused as to how to install the Houdini Connect Plugin.

Here's where I am so far...

  • I have ftrack Connect installed and running
  • I downloaded and extracted "ftrack-connect-houdini-0.4.0"
  • I copied this folder to "...AppData\Local\ftrack\ftrack-connect-plugins"

I am not seeing any changes in ftrack Connect or in Houdini (18.5.696). What am I doing wrong? I feel like I need to change my .env file for Houdini to see the ftrack panels, but I don't know what variables I would set and where to point them.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Hi @Peter Arcara thanks for reaching out and sorry to hear you have been having issues.
Few questions for you to try to better help:

  • What version of connect are you using (1.1.2 or 2.0Rc ) ?
  • Are you launching the integration from within connect with a context (task) selected ?
  • Is your version of houdini py2 or py3 ?
  • What os are you on ? (guess Windows)
  • Can you please send console logs messages and ftrack logs ? 

Looking forward hearing from you.

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  • What version of connect are you using (1.1.2 or 2.0Rc ) ? - Image attached
  • Are you launching the integration from within connect with a context (task) selected ? - Houdini isn't showing up either place; I just see the defaults (C4D, Ae, Ai, Ps, Pr)
  • Is your version of houdini py2 or py3 ? I'm using python 2
  • What os are you on ? (guess Windows) - Yes, Window's 10 Workstation Edition
  • Can you please send console logs messages and ftrack logs ? - The Ftrack logs are attached; if you're asking about Houdini Console logs, there is no mention of ftrack (just my Arnold Renderer logs)

Thanks for your help with this, and I really appreciate your quick response!



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

pls could you provide complete step-by-step tutorial how to install your software....the documentation seems useless

I've install ftrack connect...according to logs it sees my houdini installation but there is nothing in ftrack action panel....

should I set up some config files for ftrack ? for houdini ??? what's next ????

are there any environment variables ? besides FTRACK_CONNECT_PLUGIN_PATH

I must make a decision whether to buy ftrack or not...but i want to test it before...and I don't have much time.





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I'm in the same sitation trying to eval frack and it's Connect plugin for Nuke. I found info where to put a zip file on disk to install a Connect plugin, but can't find the dowload. I checked the repo on BitBucket but the latest "ftrack-connect-pipeline-nuke" repo has an empty master branch and no README and the "ftrack-connect-nuke" repo says it's EOL.
Not sure where to from here

Also, where are the docs for the default Hiero plugin? I can only find marketing blurbs and broken links.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi @Frank Rueter
as we are still in development phase, our current RC code does not sit in the usual Master or Main branch but on a backlog/connect-2/story .
If you open the commit history you can see in which feature branch we are currently working ;)

Nuke Studio / Hiero documentation are available on our help page as well as in the repo docs

Hope it helps!

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