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Datetime Field ?

lukas g

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I need to sync parts my ftrack database with parts of my inhouse database. For this reason I need support for a timestamp (Date AND time) which gets updated when a field has last been changed.
How can i put datetime information into the ftrack database?
The custom_attributes support the date field and if i query it i receive an arrow object. But when i try to set it to a new datetime i can only set it with a date but not with a time information.

if i try to set it with time information i get an error:
ServerError: Server reported error: IntegrityError(Custom attribute value for "my_time_stamp" must be a valid date. Got '2018-06-28T18:13:14.043000'.)


Here is some code snippet:

my_object = session.query("MyObjectType where name is MyName").first()

my_time_stamp = my_object["custom_attributes"]["my_time_stamp"]
log.debug("My Time Stamp: {}".format(my_time_stamp)) # >>> 2018-06-28T00:00:00+00:00

arrow_now = arrow.utcnow()
log.debug("Arrow datetime: {}".format(arrow_now.datetime)) # >>> 2018-06-28 18:04:48.799000+00:00
log.debug("Arrow date: {}".format(arrow_now.date())) # >>> 2018-06-28

my_object["custom_attributes"]["my_time_stamp"] = arrow_now.date()


I hope someone can guide me to the right direction.



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13 hours ago, lukas g said:

ServerError: Server reported error: IntegrityError(Custom attribute value for "my_time_stamp" must be a valid date. Got '2018-06-28T18:13:14.043000'.)


If you do not call .date() on the arrow_now, does it work then?

There is a 'Event' schema that can be used:

session.query('Event where parent_id is "fc625b24-fd16-11e3-9bfd-04011030cf01" order by created_at desc limit 1').one()


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Hi Mattias,

the event query tip was very helpful! Thanks a lot for that. Now i am able to compare all DB entries with each other based on their latest update :)

Regarding the arrow date issue. I was not able to get it to work with my custom attribute (But right now i don't rely on the custom date attribute anymore as i am using the nice event query)

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