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Ability to apply User View across multiple projects, export


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  • 3 years later...

Still wishing and hoping for the ability to export a View Dashboard! 😃

Edit: For clarification - the Overview tab with Dashboards now provides a way to apply filtering across projects which fulfills the first request, but we're wanting a way to export Dashboard Views.

Is there a way to upvote this ticket if it exists? The previous trello board seems to be private/nonexistent now.

Edited by kristin
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Kristin,

Thanks for the update here, just updating this post with what we'd talked about in slack for the community. 

Unfortunately our Product Trello board is no longer in active use. We’re currently working on a new system with the goal to be able to allow users to submit and vote on things we are building, as well as giving greater insight into our roadmap than was possible with the old system

Sadly I can’t give a definitive ETA for this yet, however in the meantime feel free tor reach out to support@ftrack.com with the specific features and use-cases you are wanting to upvote. Our support team logs all requests so it would be great to capture any use-cases you have so we can get it in-front of the product team.

In your case here I've added your voice to the request around exporting these dashboard views. Apologies we don't have a better workaround in the meantime, but we'll be sure to update the community here once we have a better way to have visibility on the status of these requests. 



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