We do have Shot / Task associations, but what I'm wondering about is being able to have a Shot / Task / Task structure. There's no way (that I can tell) to do this in the ui, but the api lets you create a Task that has a parent Task:
>>> task = session.query('Task where name = "animation"').one()
>>> task['link'] # id key/value removed from this output for conciseness
[{u'name': u'dev',
u'type': u'Project'},
{u'name': u'ABC',
u'type': u'TypedContext'},
{u'name': u'ABC_000_1000',
u'type': u'TypedContext'},
{u'name': u'animation',
u'type': u'TypedContext'}]
>>> subtask = session.create('Task', {'parent': task, 'name': 'subtaskAnimation'})
>>> session.commit()
>>> subtask['link']
[{u'name': u'dev',
u'type': u'Project'},
{u'name': u'ABC',
u'type': u'TypedContext'},
{u'name': u'ABC_000_1000',
u'type': u'TypedContext'},
{u'name': u'animation',
u'type': u'TypedContext'},
{u'name': u'subtaskAnimation',
u'type': u'TypedContext'}]
In the ui on the Tasks tab, the parent Task shows that it contains the subtask when Hierarchy viewing is selected, but doesn't show the subtask when you change to the Tasks viewing. So, I'm wondering if this structure isn't fully supported and shouldn't be used, or if there's plans to fully add it.