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Pol Monroig

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Everything posted by Pol Monroig

  1. Hey Patrick, Thanks you are right!! I got confused by the two types of user_security_roles haha it works now
  2. Hello, thanks for your reply, that seems to work in Python although in javascript I do get an error when running the query. I only get the error when asking for the user attribute, without it it does return me a list of security roles but just with Ids session.query('select name,user_security_role_projects.user from Project'); "No attribute u'user' exists for schema u'UserSecurityRoleProject'."
  3. I would like to know how can I query the access to each project using the ftrack api. What I mean by access is this https://help.ftrack.com/en/articles/3601282-managing-project-access ,not the roles but the access to each specific project by user. I am using the javascript api but I think python would be the same, the problem is creating the specific query. I appreciate the help! Thanks
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