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New Timelog does not generate Event.

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Hi everyone!

I'm creating bridge between ftrack and Jira and have a little problem with events generated in ftrack.

I've written daemon, that periodically pulls all Events from ftrack, filters them and passes to appropriate plugins.

The problem is that I also need to transfer timelogs between those two systems and ftrack doesn't generate event when creating one.

Is this normal behaviour or I messed something up? :)


Thx for any feedback!

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Hi @Pelle Persson

 timelogs events should appears under ftrack.update topic as following:

    'id': 'dda8175c9de94b91a8022ea59a336218', 
    'data': {
        'entities': [
            {'entity_type': 'Timelog', 
            'keys': ['duration', 'user_id', 'context_id', 'start', 'comment', 'time_zone_offset', 'id'], 
            'objectTypeId': 'timelog', 
            'entityType': 'timelog', 
            'parents': [
                {'entityId': '98b91a33-5ece-4b3d-8d60-f864b9ddfea0', 'entityType': 'timelog', 'entity_type': 'Timelog', 'parentId': None}, 
                {'entityId': 'fd9f5470-f8f2-4311-9c9b-47bc2fd1d6da', 'entityType': 'task', 'entity_type': 'Task', 'parentId': '784dbb7a-56e1-4121-93bd-daf6c9f42c0d'}, 
                {'entityId': '784dbb7a-56e1-4121-93bd-daf6c9f42c0d', 'entityType': 'task', 'entity_type': 'Shot', 'parentId': 'e36e4409-995e-4654-97d3-db59d31aa8cf'}, 
                {'entityId': 'e36e4409-995e-4654-97d3-db59d31aa8cf', 'entityType': 'task', 'entity_type': 'Sequence', 'parentId': '801cf9df-08b0-43d8-aba6-d4e2f63bbca9'}, 
                {'entityId': '801cf9df-08b0-43d8-aba6-d4e2f63bbca9', 'entityType': 'show', 'entity_type': 'Project', 'parentId': None}
            'parentId': None, 
            'action': 'add', 
            'entityId': '98b91a33-5ece-4b3d-8d60-f864b9ddfea0', 
            'changes': {
                'comment': {'new': '', 'old': None}, 
                'time_zone_offset': {'new': -7200, 'old': None}, 
                'user_id': {'new': 'bcdf57b0-acc6-11e1-a554-f23c91df1211', 'old': None}, 
                'context_id': {'new': 'fd9f5470-f8f2-4311-9c9b-47bc2fd1d6da', 'old': None}, 
                'start': {'new': '2024-05-27T12:33:50', 'old': None}, 
                'duration': {'new': 600, 'old': None}, 
                'id': {'new': '98b91a33-5ece-4b3d-8d60-f864b9ddfea0', 'old': None}
    'pushToken': None, 
    'parents': ['e36e4409-995e-4654-97d3-db59d31aa8cf', '784dbb7a-56e1-4121-93bd-daf6c9f42c0d', 'fd9f5470-f8f2-4311-9c9b-47bc2fd1d6da', '801cf9df-08b0-43d8-aba6-d4e2f63bbca9', '98b91a33-5ece-4b3d-8d60-f864b9ddfea0'], 
    'user': {'userid': 'bcdf57b0-acc6-11e1-a554-f23c91df1211', 'name': 'lorenzo angeli'}, 
    'clientToken': '0c9d7a0b-14f7-4e78-903c-d2ecf5fa94e8-1716813211993'}, 
    'topic': 'ftrack.update', 
    'sent': None, 
    'source': {'clientToken': '0c9d7a0b-14f7-4e78-903c-d2ecf5fa94e8-1716813211993', 'applicationId': 'ftrack.client.web', 'id': '0c9d7a0b-14f7-4e78-903c-d2ecf5fa94e8-1716813211993', 
    'user': {'username': 'lorenzo', 'id': 'bcdf57b0-acc6-11e1-a554-f23c91df1211'}
    'target': '', 
    'in_reply_to_event': None

Hope it helps.

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Hi @Lorenzo Angeli!

Thank you for quick response.

Yes, it works if I subscribe to event_hub, but to be honest I hoped I could get it by querring for the Event object like this:

all_events = session.query('Event where created_at >= "{0}" and created_at < "{1}" order by created_at asc'.format(start_date, end_date))

So I guess not every activity in ftrack is saved in history to be querried like above. Is it for platform efficiency or you just didn't think anyone would need it?

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@Pawel Starzynski

if yuo are after timelogs, you can try something like this:

import ftrack_api
import arrow

session = ftrack_api.Session()
now = arrow.now()
then = now.shift(days=-100)

all_events = session.query('Timelog where start >= "{0}" and start < "{1}" order by start asc'.format(then, now)).all()

hope it helps.

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