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How to UNassign user from a task?

Alex Sknarin

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You essentially have to delete the user assignment, here's a function below that removes all users given a specific task_id, it might not be exactly what you need since you might only want to remove a specific user but this should point you in the right direction.


# Assumes a session is already established

def unassing_users_from_task(task_id):

	# Queries users assigned to a task
    users_assigned_to_tasks = session.query(
      'select assignments.context_id from User '
      'where assignments any (context_id = "{0}")'.format(task_id)

    for user in users_assigned_to_tasks:
      assignments = user['assignments']
      for assignment in assignments:
        if assignment['context_id'] == task_id:
    # Remember to use session.commit() I would only do this if you had in fact removed an assignment.



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