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Alex Sknarin

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Alex Sknarin last won the day on May 28 2020

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  1. thanks i'll dig into it
  2. Hello I could assign user to a task using this method http://ftrack-python-api.rtd.ftrack.com/en/stable/example/assignments_and_allocations.html But what should I do to UN-assign user from task?
  3. Ah ok Just missed this update thank you
  4. Hello, we use custom python ftrack integration for our artists. But all new artist added recently couldn't see their personal API key in settings (it is hidden under *********). So those users couldn't use essential tools for our pipeline. How could user obtain his personal Api Key Is it some setting to enable it for ASSIGNED-based role?
  5. oh, projection should be fast enough. Thank you. Just to clarify: Project dosen't have some property that holds users from tasks?
  6. Yes I have standalone tool that used list of projects that's loaded from Ftrack. I need to show only projects that user is involved in. Ah, get from user side. Ok I'll try but I will need to get list of all tasks that artist is assigned to so it could be slower
  7. Hi For example I have list of projects: Project01 Project02 Project03 Project04 I also have some user assigned to some tasks in Project02 and Project03. How could I query only that projects?
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