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Multiple Storage Scenarios

Tim Edelmann

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Hey there again, 


its been a while since my last post..


We currently exploring, whats the best way to tell a project, thats all its files, components, asset versions are now stored somewhere else. 

The background for this is, that we want to be able to move a project after its creation. For this we could listen to "ftrack.api.session.configure-location" and configure a custom location. But how can access the storage scenario to setup new mount-points?


Is it even possible to set the storage scenario via ftrack_api?



thanks in advance




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What we tried so far...


We are getting this error:

ftrack_connect.ui.widget.publisher.Publisher - ERROR - Failed to publish: Failed to transfer component <FileComponent(ccfee77a-266c-4248-9431-bc573e7cc3f4)> data to location <Location("Infected_custom_location", 96865d31-ddb8-4ef9-bbde-79fdc5a7e8dd)> due to error:
    'Session' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
    Transferred component data that may require cleanup: []
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\python27\lib\site-packages\ftrack_connect-1.1.3-py2.7.egg\ftrack_connect\ui\widget\publisher.py", line 298, in _publish
    component, source=origin_location
  File "c:\python27\lib\site-packages\ftrack_python_api-1.4.0-py2.7.egg\ftrack_api\entity\location.py", line 78, in add_component
    [component], sources=source, recursive=recursive
  File "c:\python27\lib\site-packages\ftrack_python_api-1.4.0-py2.7.egg\ftrack_api\entity\location.py", line 211, in add_components
LocationError: Failed to transfer component <FileComponent(ccfee77a-266c-4248-9431-bc573e7cc3f4)> data to location <Location("Infected_custom_location", 96865d31-ddb8-4ef9-bbde-79fdc5a7e8dd)> due to error:
    'Session' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
    Transferred component data that may require cleanup: []
2018-08-09 13:23:25,811 - root - ERROR - Logging an uncaught exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\python27\lib\site-packages\ftrack_connect-1.1.3-py2.7.egg\ftrack_connect\asynchronous.py", line 21, in exceptHookWrapper
    method(*args, **kwargs)
  File "c:\python27\lib\site-packages\ftrack_connect-1.1.3-py2.7.egg\ftrack_connect\ui\widget\publisher.py", line 298, in _publish
    component, source=origin_location
  File "c:\python27\lib\site-packages\ftrack_python_api-1.4.0-py2.7.egg\ftrack_api\entity\location.py", line 78, in add_component
    [component], sources=source, recursive=recursive
  File "c:\python27\lib\site-packages\ftrack_python_api-1.4.0-py2.7.egg\ftrack_api\entity\location.py", line 211, in add_components
LocationError: Failed to transfer component <FileComponent(ccfee77a-266c-4248-9431-bc573e7cc3f4)> data to location <Location("Infected_custom_location", 96865d31-ddb8-4ef9-bbde-79fdc5a7e8dd)> due to error:
    'Session' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
    Transferred component data that may require cleanup: []


We setup a customized version of the Resolver.py, doing this:


The Resolver.py listens to:

session.event_hub.subscribe('topic=ftrack.storage-scenario.activate', resolver.activate_storage_scenario)
session.event_hub.subscribe('topic=ftrack.api.session.configure-location', resolver.configure_location)
session.event_hub.subscribe('topic=ftrack.location.request-resolve and source.user.username="{0}"'.format(session.api_user), resolver)


in activate_storage_scenario we do the following: 

    def activate_storage_scenario(self, event):
        self.logger.info('activate_storage_scenario was called...\n{0}'.format(event))
        scenario_name = 'Infected_custom_storage_scenario'
        location = self.get_or_create_location()
        mount_points = {}
        mount_points['windows'] = '\\\\infsan\\FTrack'
        mount_points['osx'] = '/Volumes/FTrack'
        mount_points['linux'] = '/mnt/FTrack'
        setting_value = json.dumps({
            'scenario': scenario_name,
            'data': {
                'location_id': location['id'],
                'location_name': location['name'],
                'accessor': {
                    'mount_points': {
                        'linux': mount_points['linux'],
                        'osx': mount_points['osx'],
                        'windows': mount_points['windows']
        self.storage_scenario['value'] = setting_value
        # Broadcast an event that storage scenario has been configured.
        self.logger.info('activate_storage_scenario - done. ')

This is essentially a copy of the code from "_centralized_storage_scenario.py" from the ftrack_api, but changed to our needs (is ths propably the cause for the error?)


configure_location does this:

    def configure_location(self, event):
        # location = event['data']['session'].query('Location where name is "studio.central-storage-location"').one()
        # location = event['data']['session'].query('Location where name is "Infected_custom_location"').one()
        location = self.get_or_create_location()
        location.structure = InfectedStructure.Structure.InfectedStructure(session=event['data']['session'])
        location.accessor = ftrack_api.accessor.disk.DiskAccessor(prefix='')
        location.priority = 0
        self.logger.info('configure_location - done. ')


When the Resolver gets called, it executes this:

    def __call__(self, event):
        self.logger.info('Resolver got called with event: {0}'.format(event))
        #event['data']['locationName'] = 'Infected_custom_location' # override location name...
        location_name = event['data'].get('locationName')
        component_id = event['data']['componentId']
        location = None
        if location_name is None:
            component = self.session.get('Component', component_id)
            self.logger.info('component keys: {0}'.format(component.keys()))
            location = self.session.pick_location(component)
            self.logger.error( u'No location name given, picked location {0!r} for {1!r}.'.format( location, component ) )
            if location is None:
                self.logger.error(u'Location cannot be found')
            location_name = location['name']
        if not self.filter_locations(location_name):
            self.logger.error( u'Skipping resolve for location {0}.'.format( location_name ) )
        if location is None:
            location = self.session.query( 'Location where name is "{0}"'.format( location_name ) ).one()       
        if not location.accessor:
            self.logger.error(u'Skipping resolve for location without accessor: {0!r}.'.format( location ) )
        component = self.session.get('Component', component_id)
        resource_identifier = location.get_resource_identifier(component)
        path = None
            project = self.getProjectFromComponent(component)
            if not project: 
                self.logger.info('no project found to load location_mapping')
            self.logger.info('PROJECT_Location: {0}'.format(project['custom_attributes']['PROJECT_Location'][0]))
            location.accessor.prefix = location.structure.location_mapping[project['custom_attributes']['PROJECT_Location'][0]]
            path = location.accessor.get_filesystem_path(resource_identifier)
        except ftrack_api.exception.AccessorUnsupportedOperationError:
                path = location.accessor.get_url(resource_identifier)
            except ftrack_api.exception.AccessorUnsupportedOperationError:
                self.logger.error(u'Unable to get URL from accessor. Unsupported operation')
        if path is None:
            raise ValueError(u'Could not resolve {0!r} and {1!r} to a file system path or URL.'.format( component, location ) )
            self.logger.error(u'Could not resolve {0!r} and {1!r} to a file system path or URL.'.format( component, location ))
        self.logger.info(u'Successfully resolved {0!r}.'.format(path))
        return dict(path=path)


and finally get_or_create_location does this:

    def get_or_create_location(self):
        location = self.session.ensure('Location',
            'name': 'Infected_custom_location',
            'label': 'Infected_custom_location_label',
            'description': ('Infected_custom_location_description')
        return location



I hope this is all information regarding the error above. If anybody has an idea, some insights or has seen this before -> let us know. Until then, we're trying to get our head around this...






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