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Everything posted by kanstantsin.nalobin

  1. Currently in Maya when I publish an asset via Ftrack Connect the Publisher makes a name for the animation asset as "anim" (which is I assume a code for animation which can be set in settings). What I want is to make the default name for animation asset a task name. How can I do this?
  2. When I am publishing the version with Maya Game Animation publisher I get the file with the name /version/game.fbx What I want is to rename game.fbx to version/[asset_name].fbx How can I do that?
  3. Is there a way to choose selection set instead of specific shapes while exporting in Ftrack Maya Connect? As for now i have a possibility to select shapes (if I choose Animation publisher) or joints (if I choose Rig publisher) What I want to have is creating selection set in the rig asset and choosing it when I export the animation. Is it possible?
  4. Patrick, thanks. It is indeed encoding the video! But I have a question now: how to add the encoded video that is located on ftrack server to the task? The documentation suggest that you have to have the file on the hard drive
  5. I'm trying to add a new version of the shot and i'm using the documentation: https://ftrack-python-api.rtd.ftrack.com/en/stable/example/publishing.html Do I understand correctly that in those documents is stated that one should create an asset and after that add a new version? Because by doing so I've got a duplication error in case the asset is already created. Is there a way to add version to existing asset without creating a new one via API? I'm quite new to this so maybe I've just got something wrong.
  6. So i'm trying to upload a mp4 file for the review. That's what i'm doing: file_path = r"d:\FtrackPlayground\ftrackreview-mp4.mp4" assetParent = Shot['parent'] asset_type = session.query('AssetType where name is "Animation"').one() asset = session.create('Asset', { 'name': 'MY_NAME', 'type': asset_type, 'parent': assetParent }) asset_version = session.create('AssetVersion', { 'asset': asset, 'task': Shot, }) session.commit() asset_version.create_component(FilePath) session.close() I've got this from the documentation page: https://ftrack-python-api.rtd.ftrack.com/en/stable/example/publishing.html the problem is that the file won't upload. I have an empty preview thumbnail. Could somebody help?
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