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Efficiently Retrieving Project Hierarchy via API


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So I'm currently looking into how to retrieve a project hierarchy efficiently for both data transmission (size of response), number of queries (for use over high latency, > 300ms connections) and returned data structure (reducing python time for reformatting data). I was wondering what the best method would be in ftrack?

Currently we use a 5 column hierarchy with data requests split between the first 3 and last 2 columns. As in we fetch the entire hierarchy for the first 3 columns (folders), and then clicking on the 3rd column item will fetch the next two for that item. We've found that this creates a fairly reasonable balance between the number of queries required to get to the end asset (when each request will take upwards of 300ms just for the data transmission) and db load on our current system. Also the latency is due to an offsite use of our asset management system that we need to cater for. Most latency is sub 5ms, but we have users that will be on greater than 300ms due to geographic distance.

Essentially we're trying to see how we can get ftrack to replace this, and don't want to go backwards in the speed of retrieving project hierarchies, and in turn the final asset.

Anyway, an tips would be highly appreciated.


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