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ftrack connect 3 in maya

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I am looking into integrating ftrack connect 3 in our pipeline and so far I'm having some issues/questions:

  • Is there any replacement for Maya Import Asset and  Asset Manager?  Since there is only "Open" plugin available, how can we create a scene with multiple assets and, afterwards, change versions of those assets ?


  • It seems that the environment variables are ovwerwritten/removed in maya...
    • For eg. I need to register a custom location, so I have defined the FTRACK_EVENT_PLUGIN_PATH in ftrack connect 
                      "FTRACK_EVENT_PLUGIN_PATH": "\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\ftrack Connect\\resource\\hook\"",

      In maya this env var is not defined, so the location is not registered: 

      import os
      print (os.getenv("FTRACK_EVENT_PLUGIN_PATH"))

       If I define it maya and intialize a session , the location is registered. 

      os.environ["FTRACK_EVENT_PLUGIN_PATH"]="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\ftrack Connect\\resource\\hook"
      import ftrack_api
      session = ftrack_api.Session()
      INFO - MainThread - 2024-10-03 08:40:20,145 - ftrack_api._centralized_storage_scenario.ActivateCentralizedStorageScenario - Storage scenario activated. Configured <dynamic ftrack Location object 2663819379464> from {'data': {'location_name': 'skylite.main', 'location_id': '8e26387c-6e7a-11ed-a0fd-b638f13de3f0', 'accessor': {'mount_points': {'windows': '', 'osx': '', 'linux': ''}}}, 'scenario': 'ftrack.centralized-storage'}
      defining accessor for  skylite.main at .
      accessor  <ftrack_api.accessor.disk.DiskAccessor object at 0x0000026C3801CE48>.
      initiliaze Skylite structure - prio 30
      initiliaze skltStructure - prio 30 -  prefix None
      Registered location skylite.main at .



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