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Timelogs deleted after user removal?

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I've encountered a problem, when after removing a user from ftrack I cannot longer see any timelogs this person created.

Does it work this way - deleting a user also deletes timelogs created by him?

If that's how it works is there any chance for retrieving deleted timelogs?


Thanks for any info.

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Hi Pawel,

yes all the timelogs etc are connected to the user.  in general we recommend just disabling users instead of deleting if at all possible.  any of their comments and fedback would also be anonimized as their is no user info to connect it to.


it is possible for us to restore but it would have to be a restore of the whole site back to the time the user still existed.


please send a request to support@ftrack.com. with the url of your ftrack workspace, the time of user deletion and the name of the user so we can verify.



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11 minutes ago, Daniel Fleming said:

I want to mention as well that if you need to retrieve just the timelogs we can also restore that to a backup site where you can get all that info but we won't restore it to your production site so no data lost on the production site.

That would be great! I'll send a request to support in a minute, thx so much!

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