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Supported Integrations Updated


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The integrations department has been working really hard in updating Connect and the library of applications in which we integrate with.
This new update to Connect will make it very light weight but will mean in the short term that some existing applications might not run with it.

A list of currently support applications that work in Connect 2.0 today and can be downloaded via the Plugin Manager inside of Connect 2.0:

  • Maya 2022 + - on the new Pipeline Framework
  • Nuke 13+ - on the new Pipeline Framework
  • RV 2020+
  • Cinema 4D
  • Nuke Studio  13+ 

Applications supported that are required to be downloaded outside of the Plugin Manager:

  • Adobe Suite

3rd Party Integrations:

  • Deadline

Legacy Integrations that will work in Connect 2.0 that are limited to the version based on Python 2 technology:

  • 3Ds Max - up to 3Ds Max 2020 Windows only
  • Houdini - up to version 2018
  • Unity - up to version 2019 Windows only
  • Unreal - up to version 4.25 Windows only

The reason for starting to deprecate our Legacy Integrations is to continue to strive towards the standards set by the VFX Reference Platform. Although we may not always hit every point set out, our aim is to continually improve and maintain the standards as close as we can.

In order to see what we have planned soon, please visit our Public Portal

We look forward to any feedback that you have through support@ftrack.com

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