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Not receiving ftrack.update events if AMPQ is enabled?


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I noticed on the documentation that using ftrack's AMQP server will be enabled by default in future versions, so I decided to enable it for my local ftrack installation. However, I noticed that I'm not getting `ftrack.update` events if I subscribe through event hub (even using a simple example such as https://bitbucket.org/snippets/ftrack/n7qLe/event-listener-print-update-event-data).

I am able to see update events if I set up a listener directly to the AMQP server, but I don't see any documentation saying that we would not get event hub update events if the AMQP server was enabled. Is this the intended behavior?

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  • 3 weeks later...


thanks for bringing this to our attention.

We updated our documentation with new information:
Please note that this is an advanced feature which requires you to setup and and run your own https://www.rabbitmq.com/ broker instead of the one bundled with ftrack.
Once you have your own rabbitmq server running you can update the ftrack.ini "ftrack.amqp_host" setting to have ftrack use that server instead.

This will not be standard until we make the switch to Rabbitmq.


Thanks again!



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