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How to get a shareable link to a specific file stored in ftrack?


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Hi there!

I have maybe a dumb question: I want to create a link to a specific file stored in ftrack server, and want to send this link to somebody from OUTSIDE of "ftrack universe". This guy does not have an ftrack account, does not know anything about ftrack, and I want it to stay that way. I just want to give him the ability to download specific file storred in ftrack server.

It should be similar to sending someone a link to a file stored in google drive, when "sharing links" option is activated. Everybody who GETS the link - GETS the file. Without the need of loging in to google account, without the need of asking for access permission or something like that.  JUST SIMPLE DOWNLOAD LINK :) 

Is it posiible somehow in ftrack? If so - could someone tell me how can I do that?

Regards, Michał

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