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action of compliting tasks after approved minestone


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can i use some action for compliting tasks after approved minestone?

i have some tasks that connect with minestone. all tasks Completed, before starting minestone.

i need to have some action or something else, that will change status of all connecting tasks to "Clients approved" after approving minestone.

Thank you!

P.S. i'm from STB, ukrainian TV-Channel

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To trigger a status change of a related objects when a status changes, you can develop a custom event listener using the API.  An event listener is a small python script that can be used to subscribe to changes in ftrack.

Here are a few good resources on the topic:

Here is a similar event listener, which sets the status of a Shot when the tasks beneath it changes status which can be used as a starting point. Note that this is just an example, and has not been fully tested.


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  • 2 weeks later...


thank you for this information!

but i have one more question. i've already post it on another topic, but want to repeat her.


We need to have a possibility that a Manager/Producer can add time or change the time logged by other users.

maybe you've already find a way to do this on ftrack?

because I found several old topics with this request, but didn't find an answer with some solution.




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