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Posts posted by kanstantsin.nalobin

  1. Is there a way to choose selection set instead of specific shapes while exporting in Ftrack Maya Connect?

    As for now i have a possibility to select shapes (if I choose Animation publisher) or joints (if I choose Rig publisher)

    What I want to have is creating selection set in the rig asset and choosing it when I export the animation.

    Is it possible?


  2. I'm trying to add a new version of the shot and i'm using the documentation: https://ftrack-python-api.rtd.ftrack.com/en/stable/example/publishing.html

    Do I understand correctly that in those documents is stated that one should create an asset and after that add a new version?

    Because by doing so I've got a duplication error in case the asset is already created.

    Is there a way to add version to existing asset without creating a new one via API?

    I'm quite new to this so maybe I've just got something wrong.

  3. So i'm trying to upload a mp4 file for the review.

    That's what i'm doing:

    file_path = r"d:\FtrackPlayground\ftrackreview-mp4.mp4"
    assetParent = Shot['parent']
    asset_type = session.query('AssetType where name is "Animation"').one()
    asset = session.create('Asset', {
    'name': 'MY_NAME',
    'type': asset_type,
    'parent': assetParent
    asset_version = session.create('AssetVersion', {
    'asset': asset,
    'task': Shot,

    I've got this from the documentation page: https://ftrack-python-api.rtd.ftrack.com/en/stable/example/publishing.html

    the problem is that the file won't upload. I have an empty preview thumbnail.

    Could somebody help?

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