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Everything posted by Samuel

  1. Thanks! seeing the attribute configuration route was helpful and as our list of custom attributes expands that should help pull select values. We've decided to restructure the tool to better match ftrack's structure so information can be pulled more dynamically as you've mentioned. It's an extra query but faster than pulling everything we might not need.
  2. Hi, We are using the Ftrack's javascript api to query a few different attributes from a Task's Project, and Parent. Since (as far as I am aware) we cannot project custom_attribute fields we are projecting the entire custom_attributes collection and then pulling out the values we need in our code after. A query might look like this currently. select project.metadata, project.name, project.custom_attributes, parent.custom_attributes, parent.object_type.name, parent.name, parent.id, id from Task where project.status is active and assignments any (resource_id="user-id-here") and status.name is_not "OMIT" and status.name is_not "ON HOLD" and status.name is_not "Approved" and project.name not_in ("Test", "dev") and type.id not_in ("47f5f240-fda1-11e4-92de-002590f35914", "51de618e-fda1-11e4-b48d-002590f35914", "93f57f18-3f90-11e5-841a-002590f35914", "a5cf41a2-84d6-11ea-ae88-0cc47adee6c0") What I am wondering is if there is a faster way to query and return this custom_attribute data or just a few of the attributes instead of all as it can take a significantly long time when the number of matching tasks approach 100. If I remove the parent and project custom_attribute projections the query is extremely quick so it seems returning that data is slowing things down a lot but a few fields from that data is required for our tool. Just thought I'd ask in-case I missed some recent update that makes this process faster. @ftrack/api : v1.0.0 Ftrack: Thanks for your time!
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