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Toby Angwin

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Posts posted by Toby Angwin

  1. Hi,

    We are using an un-managed storage scenario as we are starting to roll out ftrack across our facility and have an existing folder structure that can't easily be changed. We usually do a high volume of shots so I really want to be able to name shots and assign tasks from nuke studio. Now the day we had a support zoom with ftrack and changed from our testing centralised storage back to the automatic unmanaged storage, Nuke Studio seemed to work from connect and I was able to do what I want but now when I try to launch Nuke Studio from connect I get this error: "ftrack.unmanaged" is an invalid location for Nuke Studio to work with.

    Nuke/NukeX seem to work pretty well from connect and I can do everything from there but we really want to use all the studio features.

    I've downloaded the latest plugins from here too.

    Any ideas?


    Toby Angwin


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