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Cinesync Alpha Background

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Morning all.

I am not sure if this is the correct place to post this request, but I tried the support email with no reply.  

We are trying to move over to CineSync from using DJV for a long time now.  So far it is a great step up for our viewing/review pipeline.  But there are a couple of things.

The first is the checkerboard background is not great.  When we want to review CG elements with alpha, it is nice to have a non-black background to see the alpha (and quickly notice that the BG is indeed alpha).  But the checkboard that is rendered in CineSync is very jarring being white and mid-grey, and having the checker-blocks so large.

It would be very useful if the checkerboard could be customized to allow us to have much smaller blocks, and the colors be black & dark grey (for our use).  Just enough that you can distinguish black from alpha, but also subtle enough so it is not distracting.


Unless of course I am missing how to do this already.


Thanks much,




Other Vendor.jpg

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