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Nikolay Skolkov

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  1. Hi/ I have faced strange issue starting houdini from ftrack connect right after start houdini stuck into infinite loop it continiously prints errors to console and it can not be interrupted (See attached image) being started without ftrack houdini acts normal as usual
  2. hi ! Ftrack connect each run always sticks to the same specific task. I don't know what criteria it uses. I have to change context each time I start it. Is it possible to make ftrack connect to remember the last task used and use it as default next time when ftrack connect starts
  3. Hi ! it seems like ftrack does not maintain usd format context....I can publish usd file as specific project entity, but in can not be tracked as asset / scene component with versioning Hope it will be implemented someday , but I have to try doing it myself so far...could You point me a direction where to start from?
  4. here is my code . it is almost the same as in the first message just summarize problem : it works when publishing from ftrack connect application - it writes to my local location DCC keeps writing data to server.... neither accessor or structure properties for this location are not defined in DCC. probably i need subscribe to application-launch event, but I haven't managed to do that....i just tried to copy-paste subscription on configure-location event ... but it didn't work import os import sys import functools import logging import getpass import ftrack_api import ftrack_api.accessor.disk as _disk import ftrack_api.structure.standard as _standart logger = logging.getLogger( 'ftrack user location' ) LOCATION_NAME = 'nik.local' DISK_PREFIX = 'D:\\jobs\\' def configure_location(session,event): location = session.ensure('Location', { 'name':LOCATION_NAME } ) location.accessor = _disk.DiskAccessor(prefix=DISK_PREFIX) location.structure = _standart.StandardStructure() location.priority = -100 logger.warning( u'Registering using location {0} @ {1} with priority {2}'.format(LOCATION_NAME,DISK_PREFIX,location.priority) ) def register(api_object,**kw): if not isinstance(api_object,ftrack_api.Session): return if not os.path.exists(DISK_PREFIX) or not os.path.isdir(DISK_PREFIX): logger.error('disk prefix does not exist') return api_object.event_hub.subscribe('topic=ftrack.api.session.configure-location', functools.partial(configure_location,api_object) )
  5. when i create storage scenario - Ftrack Connect publishes in my custom location while houdini keeps publishing to server....((((
  6. ...but....publish directly via ftrack connect works and is written to my new location from DCC it writes to tmp location - ftrack.unmanaged
  7. but inside DCC(houdini) I get this >>> session = ftrack_api.Session() >>> loc = session.query('Location where name is "nik.local"') >>> loc = session.query('Location where name is "nik.local"').one() >>> print(loc.accessor) NOT_SET >>> print(loc.structure) NOT_SET just to ensure that session is correct >>> loc = session.query('Project where name is "napo"').one() >>> print(loc) <Project(36473c44-7cf2-11eb-a32d-861b18b6aec9)> >>> print(loc.items) <bound method Entity.items of <dynamic ftrack Project object 2065106400>> >>> print(loc['name']) napo >>> print(loc['full_name']) Napo (Animation demo) and ... just in case... i'm testing this on trial account if it does matter
  8. yes it is reachable both in PYTHONPATH and FTRACK_EVENT_PLUGIN_PATH when I disable storage scenario I get this in my DCC i also run script outside my DCC and it seems like my location does exist import ftrack_api as ftr session = ftr.Session(server_url='https://XXX.ftrackapp.com',api_key='XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX',api_user='XXXXXXXXX') q = session.query('Location where name is "nik.local"').one() print(q.accessor) print(q.structure) ===============response====>>>> PS C:\krab> & "c:/Program Files/Side Effects Software/Houdini 19.0.657/python37/python3.7.exe" c:/krab/ft.py Registering using location nik.local @ D:\jobs\ with priority -100 <ftrack_api.accessor.disk.DiskAccessor object at 0x000002166D0E5948> <ftrack_api.structure.standard.StandardStructure object at 0x000002166CC65108> PS C:\krab>
  9. Hi I'm trying to create custom location as described in this webinar but something goes wrong ftrack connect starts normally and Location is created - I can see it on ftrack web page.... I've set priority to -100 (as it's been said in webinar) so it must be the first location where ftrack should write file... but it doesn't and there is no "Transfer component(s)" action on asset's page.... here is my script. It does not differ much from that one in webinar video import os import sys import functools import logging import getpass import ftrack_api import ftrack_api.accessor.disk as _disk import ftrack_api.structure.standard as _standart logger = logging.getLogger( 'ftrack user location' ) LOCATION_NAME = 'nik.local' DISK_PREFIX = 'D:\jobs' def configure_location(session,event): #session = event['data']['session'] location = session.ensure('Location', { 'name':LOCATION_NAME } ) location.accessor = _disk.DiskAccessor(prefix=DISK_PREFIX) location.structure = _standart.StandardStructure() location.priority = -100 logger.warning( u'Registering using location {0} @ {1} with priority {2}'.format(LOCATION_NAME,DISK_PREFIX,location.priority) ) def register(api_object,**kw): if not isinstance(api_object,ftrack_api.Session): return if not os.path.exists(DISK_PREFIX) or not os.path.isdir(DISK_PREFIX): logger.error('disk prefix does not exist') return api_object.event_hub.subscribe('topic=ftrack.api.session.configure-location', functools.partial(configure_location,api_object) )
  10. thanx Lorenzo ! but it also seems like just patch ... but actually it is strange why it sets "\" slashes in path though I typed "/" in my storage scenario config on ftrack web page Seems like it converts all / to \ globally for windows not taking into account if it is letter-mounted network drive or UNC path.....
  11. hi ! I have studio centralized storage scenario and point all mounts according to OS i.e. /mnt/projects for linux and UNC path for windows as //servername/projects artist works under windows and when one publishes cache it gets path like \\servername\projects\path\to\asset\v001\cache.abc but houdini can not load an asset with such backslashes in path - it needs to be forward slashes like "/" ... how can I fix it ? where can I find a script which reads all project locations and converts it according to OS it runs under.... I have managed to fix a problem just editing houdini asset loader script. but I don't think it is the best way....because problem lays a bit deeper... thanx
  12. wow ! thanx. that is what I need I've been digging help.ftrack.com all this time....
  13. Hi ! I'm digging in ftrack docs but can not find something like list of all attributes for specific component it is very annoying to crawl a "collection" inside "collection" which is inside other "collection" and listing all keys in search for something specific for example how to get note's author or asset submission date etc... or may be I'm doing wrong....and there is a better way
  14. Hi Daniel ! Thanx for your reply but I have not managed to get my env in Houdini..... first of all there are two json files - connector and pipeline.... I have added "env" section to both.. just in case...but my houdini loads without these variables may be I'm doing something wrong
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