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Erik LaPlant

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Posts posted by Erik LaPlant

  1. Hey Stephan,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    There are some built in features like the email digest function to limit how often notifications are bundled and sent

    https://help.ftrack.com/en/articles/1040511-managing-your-account#:~:text=your selected information.-,Include in digest email,-- This setting

    and the standard Email notification settings


    Creating messages and UI notifications is pretty straightforward (see link posted below), but there's not a great way to manipulate who will get notified of a thing.  You'd have to examine every update and create event that comes in, then decide whether to send something and to whom.




  2. Hi Kristin,

    Thanks for reaching out, and apologies for the delayed response.

    Unfortunately self if not supported for User Entities.  

    That being said, you could always create a User Text custom attribute and map the variable used to query the projects the user has task assignments in.


    Example below is a direct change I made through the terminal. I'm sure you could wrap this into an Event Listener.


    user = session.query('User where username is "<ADD_USER_NAME_HERE>"').one()
    some_list = set(x['context']['project']['name'] for x in user['assignments'])
    new_list = ', '.join(some_list)
    user['custom_attributes']['<ADD_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_KEY_HERE>'] = new_list


  3. Hi Dave,

    Thanks for reaching out, and apologies for the delayed response. Unfortunately no. Custom Attributes that can be added to the spreadsheet view are object_type specific. So even if you could map the hierarchical attribute to another custom attribute using an expression {self.<INSERT HIERARCHICAL CUSTOM ATTRIBUTE HERE>} it would be specific to a singular object_type (Shot, Sequence, Task, etc.)



  4. Hi Jiri,

    Thanks for reaching out. And apologies for the delayed response.

    In order to directly query the note's label you would first need to know the parent_id or parent_type of the note(s) you want to return


    cr_notes = session.query('Note where category.name is "Client feedback" and project.name is "<INSERT PROJECT NAME HERE"').all()
    version_notes = [cr['parent_type'] == 'AssetVervsion' for cr in cr_notes]



    You could try:


    >>> p = session.query('Project where id is "<INSERT PROJECT ID>"').one()
    >>> for role in p['user_security_role_projects']:
    ...     print(role['project']['name'], role['user_security_role']['user']['username'], role['user_security_role']['security_role']['name'])


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