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Create nested lists or close and hide them

Remus Avram

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20 hours ago, Remus Avram said:

is it possible to create nested lists?

Aside from having list categories it is not possible to nest them.


The created lists are important for production and they don't want to delete them. After a while, there are hundred of lists and it gets hard to manage them. 

I see, and you do not want to delete them?

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6 hours ago, Mattias Lagergren said:

Aside from having list categories it is not possible to nest them.

It would be cool if we could create folders inside the categories. Is there any reason regarding this limitation?


6 hours ago, Mattias Lagergren said:

I see, and you do not want to delete them?

Better not. It would be nice to have an option to archive them, hide them from the view, displaying them only if necessary,

We create lists with the delivered versions to keep track what, when and which version was delivered.

One more think is that the list categories are per overall not per project.

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16 hours ago, Remus Avram said:

It would be cool if we could create folders inside the categories. Is there any reason regarding this limitation?

No real reason, but nothing that has been requested that much. Would be nice to hear from the rest of the community if this is something that people would like to see.


Better not. It would be nice to have an option to archive them, hide them from the view, displaying them only if necessary,

Having the ability to hide a list seems like a nice to have feature!

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2 hours ago, Mattias Lagergren said:

Would be nice to hear from the rest of the community if this is something that people would like to see.

Yes, it will be interesting to know how others are managing the view of the deliveries, reviews, etc.

For example if they want to check what was delivered at the begging of the project, one year ago, or from an wrapped project, which versions, etc.

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  • 1 year later...

We would also use this function.  We use lists for Dailies as well as for targets and to be able to separate them would be great. 

We also use RV and there are only a certain amount on line items that it will allow, or we can sift through to find the right dailies list.

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  • 11 months later...


I've been working as a VFX coordinator for almost 2 years,  and I'm experiencing the same issue as noted above.  

It would be great to have the chance to create nested lists, or to create more categories that the ones provided by default. It should be easier as creating a regular folder outside the lists category.  

For example, we definitely dont want to get rid of the delivery lists, because we use them for tracking and to quickly search what has been sent on a specific date. but at the moment we have so many that it gets really annoying to scroll through all of them. 
I would like for example to create a category project related, not global called "Deliveries Old",  so that i can keep in the "Deliveries" category only the lists from this month, and so on. 

otherwise, in a project that lasts over a year, the items in the deliveries category are never ending, scrolling to the infinite... wasting time, etc. 


could you please consider this? 

thanks in advance. 

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17 hours ago, Erik said:


You can create Deliveries Old. That's what we do if the lists becomes to many.


You can also hide closed lists. This info don't seem to be anywhere on help.ftrack.com tho.

Hello Erik, thanks for your answer. 

1st option is not an option because a) i don't have the rights to access to the settings, and b) it would affect all projects simultaneously - its a global variable, and we would need to get that to a project level (to not be reflected in all the other projects of the company). 

2nd option sounds pretty good, but it's not working. I tried, but i cannot see "the toggle display of closed lists". Therefore no matter if i "close" the lists, i still see them by default. Could this be because we are using ftrack version ? should we need to upgrade to see this feature?


thanks a lot for your time and help. 


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On 3/12/2019 at 9:59 AM, JPrydz said:


Yes, the fact that you can't see this feature should depend on your version.
From our release notes for version 3.5.26:
Added ability to hide closed lists from the left navigation menu


Hello JPrydz, 

thanks for your answer. getting closer to get it! 


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I feel we have gone off topic for this thread and want to bring it back so the initial request is not lost.

We here at the studio I am at, would really like to use the nested note function for the following reasons:

  1. We use lists for Dailies as well as for targets and to be able to separate them would be great. 
  2. We could separate Rounds and client dailies lists
  3. We could have finaled lists to be able to track versions finaled by department.
  4. We also use RV and there are only a certain amount on line items that it will allow, or we can sift through to find the right dailies list.
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