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Getting Started Google Drive Central Location


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I'm trying to get our assets published correctly and synced with google drive. We have no central location and are all "cloud" based (pardon the buzzword). Correct me if I'm wrong but if we use the Central Storage Scenario then we will essentially have two copies of the same file on disk. One at the sandbox location that the artist is working from and then one at the publish location that ftrack uses (/projectname/component). Is that correct? I can see that becoming very hard to manage as far as disk space and what not. 


If I don't want to do it that way we can use the unmannaged option, where it publishes in place, right? The problem I have with that is no matter what I do I can't get osx to recognize the published file path. Has anyone else run into that? I've tried symbolic links and using bindfs to no avail. I guess I'm kind of lost...


So to wrap up my rambling post, how would you go about using Google Drive as your central repo for publishing? 


Thanks for reading! Any insight is appreciated!

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