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Manage Custom Attributes

Remus Avram

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I am trying to create a custom attribute but I am getting an error regarding permissions value:


                                              "key": name,
                                              "label": label,
                                              "attribute_type": attribute_type,
                                              "default": default_value,
                                              "entity_type": entity_type,
                                              "is_hierarchical": is_hierarchical,


# (MainThread)|Server reported error: OperationalError((OperationalError) (1048, "Column 'permissionid' cannot be null") 'INSERT INTO variable_register (id, `key`, entity_type, object_type_id, core, label, sort, type_id, permissionid, write_permissionid, is_hierarchical, config, project_id, `default`, groupid)  VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)'  (u'17885cf8-89fa-4e03-89b2-a696906ec7ea', 'test_custom attribute', 'task', None, 0, 'test_custom_att', 0,  None, None, None, 0, None, None, '1', None))

Unfortunately, there is no 'permissionid' in the custom attribute keys.

Current keys: 


Could you please post an example of creating a new custom attribute using the API?

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  • 2 weeks later...

What about querying for the contents of specific custom attributes? You cite the below example to return a list of all of the attributes.

>>> session.query('CustomAttributeConfiguration').all()

Does non-hierarchical in this situation mean that you can't go any deeper than the list of custom attributes?


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What about querying for the contents of specific custom attributes? You cite the below example to return a list of all of the attributes.

>>> session.query('CustomAttributeConfiguration').all()

The code above is just about listing all available custom attributes in ftrack. The actual custom attribute values are easiest to access from the entities themselves. See this article: http://ftrack-python-api.rtd.ftrack.com/en/stable/example/custom_attribute.html

A "hierarchical" custom attribute is a custom attribute that can exist on multiple levels in the hierarchy, see http://ftrack.rtd.ftrack.com/en/stable/administering/using_custom_attributes.html#hierarchical-attributes

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I realize that my post was not entirely clear--that's not what I want to query. I want to know what options are available to use for a particular custom field when creating a project.

So let's say we have a custom field called "location" for projects, which is an enumerator type. I want to be able to create projects and set their locations in the process. In order to do this, I need to query what values exist in the location enumerator. I shouldn't be able to set a location for the project that doesn't exist.

I also posted this question as a separate post here:


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I have responded via email but will write here in case someone else would like to know.

You can query a configuration of a custom attribute and get the config for it:

configuration = session.query(
    'select config from CustomAttributeConfiguration where key is "YOUR-ATTRIBUTE-KEY"'

print json.dumps(configuration['config'])


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  • 2 months later...

Hi everyone!

On 25.7.2016 at 9:28 AM, Björn Rydahl said:

it is currently not possible to create custom attributes via the API.

You would need to create it via settings in the UI, and then use it from the API.

Is it somehow possible to add custom attributes to timelogs (via API or UI)?




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