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Nuke Integration - How to?

Cam Smith

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I've just started evaluating ftrack. I downloaded ftrack connect, but can't see any way to activate the nuke plugin within connect, nor do any ftrack menu options appear in nuke.


Is there something else I need to download to get the integration working?


I'm using nuke 9.0v6. 

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Hi Cam,


You can launch Nuke with the integration by right clicking a task in the main spreadsheet in the web interface and selecting Actions in the context menu. When being signed in to Connect, available integrations should appear as options in the Actions dialog in the web interface.


Let me know if you have any more questions.



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When I right click on an task, Photoshop is the only software that's available in the Actions menu. Any Idea about what is it I'm missing? The hooks are installed (Nuke in my case). Also, is there any other way I could Implement the plugging in Nuke without calling it from FTrack?


Thanks in advance. 


PS: I have nuke 9.0v5 & 8.0v6 installed

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