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Event Subscriptions and Expressions

Evan Hale

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I am trying to understand how expressions work in regards subscribing to events.

So far I have:

session.event_hub.subscribe('topic=ftrack.update', handle_event)

I am trying to filter an ftrack.update event to only capture when a status change occurs. I understand I can access the key value pairs in the event using "." notation. However whatever I try seems not to work.  If my event looks like the one below how would I access "statusid" inside of "changes"? Or even "statusid" inside of "keys"? I am not sure how to navigate past the list that is "entities" or "keys". I also see in the api documentation that you can use ">" "<" operators. How would this work? I don't seem to be able to filter by length.

TLDR: I want to filter the event subscription to only capture events with a status change. How would I do this? Thanks!



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Hi Evan,

Which documentation are you referring to that mentions `<` and `>`? I want to check it out and ensure it accurately reflects current capabilities.

As for your initial question, it is my understanding that anything past the boundary of a list is not accessible via the dot notation in a subscription. This would preclude you from accessing `changes.statusid.<new|old>` and `keys.statusid`. These kinds of things need to be implemented in your callback.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Patrick,

Sorry for the late response. I ended up doing exactly that and just filtering the events in the callback. I for the life of me cannot find the documentation where '<' and '>' operators can be used for filtering so maybe it was some old information or I am just going insane. Either way, I believe we are doing it the intended way in the callback now.

Thank you!

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